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City of Santa Ana Ener~v Leader Partnership <br />1. Program Name: City of Santa Ana Energy Leader Partnership <br />2. Projected Program Budget Table <br />Table 1-- Refer to Table 1 in ELPP Master PIP. <br />3. Projected Program Gross Lnpacts Table <br />Table 2 -Refer to Table 2 in ELPP Master P1P <br />4. Program Element Description and Implementation Plan <br />The City of Santa Ana Energy Leader Partnership began in 2008 as a pilot to model <br />SCE's new Energy Leader model. This PIP represents a three year continuation of an <br />effort whose first year's activity pI•oved very successful. <br />Santa Ana is the most poprllous city in Orange County, California, and serves as its <br />county seat. In addition to being part of the second largest metropolitan area in the <br />United States -with neighboring cities Las Angeles and Long Beach - ,the City of Santa <br />Ana has shown great initiative in conservation of natural resources and energy. The City <br />of Santa Ana encourages its residents to live sustainably and has ah•eady partnered with <br />multiple local and national organizations to bring about change in the way residents <br />consume resources. With influence over almost thil-teen million people in the Los <br />Angeles-Long Beach--Santa Ana area, the City of Santa Ana stands out as a leader in <br />sustainable living. <br />The City of Santa Ana Energy Leader Partnership is one of 18 paI•tnerships in SCE's <br />Energy Leader Partnership Program (ELPP). The ELPP provides a firlly integrated <br />portfolio of comprehensive technical and fnancial assistance to local governments that is <br />specifically structured to overcome the primary barriers to energy efficiency adoption by <br />local governments so that they can help implement the goals and strategies identified in <br />the Strategic Plan. The ELPP is described in detail in the Master PIP. The purpose of <br />this sub-program PIP is to describe elements that this individual Local Government <br />partnership has committed to as well as any unique features of this partnership; thus, <br />several of the items below may be marked "n/a" or "See the ELPP Master PIP." <br />a) List of Program Elements <br />The three core program elements are similar to those identified in the ELPP Master <br />PIP: Element A -Government Facilities, Element B -Strategic Plan Activities and <br />Element C -Core Program Coordination. <br />b) Overview <br />The Santa Ana Energy Leader Partnership (SAELP) Program is an existing local <br />goveenment partnership and will be transitioning into SCE's Energy Leader <br />2009 - 201 I Energy Eft7ciency Pians <br />l45 March 2009 <br />