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City of Sarrta Ana Ener~y Leader Partnership <br />partnership portfolio. Santa Ana piloted this model at the Silver level throughout <br />2008. <br />The partnership will further SCE's goals for local governments in keeping with the <br />goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan and will demonstrate leadership in its <br />community by retrofitting municipal buildings and adopting supporting policies <br />consistent with the commission's sustainability goals. The partnership will assist and <br />facilitate residents, businesses and city officials in understanding, managing, and <br />reducing energy use and casts. It will position the partners as energy leaders, <br />connecting the community with best practices and opportunities to take action to save <br />energy, money and the environment. <br />Core Program Element A -Government Facilities <br />A1) Retrofit of municipal facilities <br />The City of Santa Ana Energy Leader Partnership will help coordinate retrofits of <br />municipal facilities, including HVAC, boon indoor and outdoor lighting, and a <br />planned solar element project in support of the California Solar Initiative (CSI). <br />A.2) Retro-commissioning (of buildings or clusters of buildings) <br />Eligible municipal buildings will be considered for retro-commissioning and <br />monitoring-based cortnnissioning as they are identified. <br />A.3) Integrating Demand Response into the audits <br />The City of Santa Ana is currently implementing a Demand Response component in <br />the cfu•rent retrofit projects. A DR/EE audit will be conducted for eligible facilities <br />and recommendations implemented as feasible. See the ELPP Master PIP for more <br />on this section. <br />A.4) Technical assistance for project management, training, audits <br />The partnership will provide technical assistance to overcome barriers to the <br />implementation of energy efficiency retrofits as identified in the ELPP Master PIP. <br />A.5} On-bill financing <br />On-bill financing will not be available at tlne beginning of the program cycle. <br />However, it may be added in the firture, as each city and county in tlne partnership has <br />indicated an interest in using on-bill financing. In alignment with the Strategic Plan's <br />emphasis on leveraging financial tools to encourage action on efficiency; as well as <br />guidance from the CPUC on financing, SCE will continue on-bill financing pilots and <br />will assess expanding these services to both residential and non-residential markets in <br />the future. <br />Core Program Element B -Strategic Plan Support <br />The Santa Ana Energy Leader Partnership will support a city~,vide strategic plan <br />addressing energy efficiency, DSM, alternative energy and climate preservation and <br />identify additional program opportunities in filltherance of the AB 32 and the goals <br />and objectives of the Strategic Plan. <br />Soutl;em California Edison 21109-20 1 l Energy EA7cicncy Plans <br />I46 Llarch 2009 <br />