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City of Sauta Ana Energy Leader Partnership <br />California Long Term Energy Efficiency Program Approach to Achieving <br />Strategic Plan (Strategic Plan) Strategy Strategic3'lan Goal <br />3-2: Require commissioning for new This will be considered in the city's <br />buildings, and re-commissioning and retro- Strategic Energy and Resource Protection <br />commissioning of existing buildings. Plan. The city currently has no <br /> requirements but will provide assistance <br /> through the partnership. <br />3-4: Explore creation of line item in local This tivill be considered in the city's <br />government budgets or other options that <br />allow EE cost savings to be returned to the Strategic Energy and Resource Protection <br />Plan. The item will be considered bttt <br />due <br />department and/or projects that provided , <br />to the limitations of revenue and the budget <br />the savings to fund additional efficiency. crisis that the City is facuig, this is a low <br /> priority. <br />3-5. Develop innovation Incubator that See ELPP Master Program Implementation <br />competitively selects initiatives for Plan (PIP) <br />inclusion in local government pilot <br />projects. <br />4-l :Local goverl~ments commit to clean Development and implementation of a <br />energy/climate change leadership. citywide Strategic Energy and Resource <br /> Protection Plan will reinforce the city's <br /> long standing position as an energy leader. <br />4-2: Use local governments' general plan This will be considered in the city's <br />energy and other elements to promote Strategic Energy and Resource Protection <br />energy efEciency, sustainability and Plan. <br />climate change. <br />4-4: Develop local projects #hat integrate This will be considered in the city's <br />EE/DSM/ovate!/wastewater end use Strategic Energy and Resource Protection <br /> Plan. <br />oouuicrn ~.uuiom~a raison 2009 -20! 1 Energy Efficiency Plans <br />!52 March 2009 <br />