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City of Santa Ana Ener~y Leader Partnership <br />7. Partuership.Program Advancement of Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives: <br />Table 6 <br />California -Long Ter•rn Energy Efficiency Program Approach to Achieving <br /> <br />Strategic Plan (Strategic Plan) Strategy _ <br />Strategic Plan Goal <br />1-1: Develop, adopt and implement model This will be considered in the City's <br />building energy codes (and/or other green Strategic Energy and Resource Protection <br />codes} more stringent than Title 24's Plan. It will consider adopting codes at a <br />requirements, on both a mandatory and. level that will allow the city to remain <br />voluntary basis; adopt one or two business friendly and competitive. <br />additional tiers of increasing stringency. , <br />I-2: Establish expedited permitting and This will be considered in the city's <br />entitlement approval processes, fee Strategic Energy and Resource Protection <br />structures and other incentives for green Plan. <br />buildings and other above-code <br />developments. <br />1-3: Develop, adopt and implement model <br />point-of--sale and other point-of <br />transactions relying on building ratings. <br />1-4; Create assessment districts or other Explore the applicability of an AB 811 <br />mechanisms so property owners can fiend Funding Mechanism and Energy <br />EE through city bonds and pay off on Efficiency Enhancement pilot program, <br />property taxes; develop other EE financing <br />tools. <br />1-5: Develop broad education program and This will be considered in the city's <br />peer-to-peer support to local governments Strategic Energy and Resource Protection <br />to adopt and implement model reach codes Plan. <br />1-6: Link emission reductions from "reach" This will be considered in the city's <br />codes and programs to CARB's AB 32 Strategic Energy and Resource Protection <br />program Plan. <br />2-2: Dramatically improve compliance with This item will be considered in the city's <br />and enforcement of Title 24 building code, Strategic Energy and Resource Protection <br />and of HVAC permitting and inspection Plan. <br />requirements (including focus on peak load <br />reductions in inland areas). <br />2-3: Local inspectors and contractors hired This will be considered in the city's <br />by local governments shall meet the Strategic Energy and Resource Protection <br />requirements of the energy component of Plan. <br />their professional licensing (as such energy <br />components are adopted). <br />3-1: Adopt specific goals for efficiency of This will be considered in the city's <br />local government buildings, including: Strategic Energy and Resource Protection <br /> Plan. <br />Soathem Caliromia Edison 2009 - 201 f Energ}• Efficiency Plans <br />151 i4farch 2009 <br />