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<br />After session two has been completed, the instructor and program coordinator will set-up two specific <br />interview times for each class participant. The purpose of the first meeting will be to interview the <br />participant and discuss their experience, their business idea, and their interest in continuing in the <br />program. The program coordinator and instructor will then hold a meeting with the program manager and <br />determine which individuals are most appropriate for continuation in the program. During the second <br />interview, the instructor will inform the participant of their acceptance into the full program. For those <br />continuing, the instructor will provide an information sheet outlining the rules of the class, what to expect <br />from the class, the class text/workbook and a commitment contract. The participant will be expected to <br />come to the first class with the commitment contract signed and having reviewed the initial assignment in <br />the workbook. For those that are not accepted into the program, the instructor will explain why it was <br />determined that they were not ready to continue and provide them with strategies that may assist them in <br />becoming ready. Analysis of the data collected about the participants accepted and not accepted into <br />the next phase will be conducted in order to identify any apparent patterns or identifiable qualities that <br />make up a potentially successful entrepreneur. <br /> <br />Those that are accepted into the program will continue with session three on the following week. At the <br />completeion of the 15th session, the instructor will hold a "wrap-up"/ graduation session and then will <br />meet with each program participant indiviudally to determine their intention to move forward with <br />deploying their business and any additional supports they may require. During the "wrap-up" session <br />program graduates will be asked to again complete questionaires that collect quanitative and qualitative <br />information. As before, these answers will be compared to the answers they provided earlier in their <br />courses and changes, both positive and negative, will be noted for further analysis. <br /> <br />In addition to structured class time, each participant will be expected to complete reading assignments in <br />their textbooks and worksheet assignments for review at the next class session. In order to facilitate this <br />process, and to accommodate those that do not have access to a home computer, a computer lab will be <br />made available during specific times each week. The lab may be used to type homework assignments, <br />work on a business plan, conduct marketing research or design marketing materials. As an organization <br />Goodwill is aware of meeting the unique needs of individuals with particular types of disabilities and a <br />number of computers in the lab will be equipped with assistive technology to meet these needs. This may <br />include such software as "Dragon Naturally Speaking" or "JAWS" for those with visual impairments, or <br />hardware such as adaptive keyboards or a CCTV. Goodwill also has the capacity to provide sign laguage <br />interpreters available for class times and any consultation sessions a participant may require. During lab <br />hours the instructor will be available for one-on-one consultations for any clients that require more <br />personalized assistance. <br /> <br />Throughout the program the instructor will also be solicting the assistance of community members whose <br />expertise could be of assistance to the program participants. Volunteers with expertise in Marketing, <br />Business Law, Networking, and Business Finance will all be invited to speak as guest lectures. In <br />addition these indiviudals will be given the opportunity to set-up one-on-one consultation sessions for the <br />clients at regularly scheduled times each week. Program participants will be asked to fill-out evaluations <br />on the lectures and one-on-one consulations for any volunteer participating in the program. The results of <br />the evaluations will be recorded and analyzed in an effort to determine whether a volunteer should be <br />asked back in the future. <br /> <br />The following are the objectives/outcomes projected for the proposed program: <br />· 427 individuals served in year one (people attending orientation/introduction meeting) <br />· 75% of indivudals attending orientation (320) enroll in free assessment sessions <br />· 100% of assessment participants have a clear understanding as to whether or not they are ready <br />to be an entrepreneur <br />· 50% of individuals in assessment session (160) enroll in business planning course <br />· 50% of business planning course participants (80) complete entire business planning course <br /> <br />Page 3 of 4 <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br />