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<br /> 07/08/2010 01:52 FAX 7149381005 f~U03/OU5 <br /> General Information and Scope of Work: <br /> All work will ba in aonformanee with our proposal and to the satisfaction ~f Community <br /> Redevelopment Agency. <br /> 1. Emergency information will be provided upon the award of the contract. <br /> 2. A written quality contrpl report reflecting an assessment of performatlce and <br /> problems will be available upon request. <br /> 3. Maintenance frequency -one time per week <br /> 4. Soil Analysis -Soil and Plant Laboratory of Santa Ana will be used for any soil <br /> testing. Laboratory costs will be the responsibility of Community Redeveiopmetlt <br /> Agency. <br /> 5. Specialty Environments is very conscious of the need Por liability awareness. <br /> Community Redevelopment Agency will be kept abreast of any potential liabilities <br /> related to its landscape. <br /> 6. Teehnioal expertise is an area we fool very confident in. On going consultation for <br /> our mgjor accounts is provided by Stan Spalding, a retired University of C llifornia <br /> professor. <br /> 7. Irrigation system will be kept in fitll operating condition, providing foil coverage. <br /> Complete adjustments and rapttira with in ono (1) watering period. Irrigation valves and <br /> controllers generally are repaired by in house Specialty F.nviromnents employees. <br /> Compensation for repairs due to vandalism or lines larger than 1"shall be m a time and <br /> materials basis and considered extra work. Shmb heads, risers, mechanical/oscillating <br /> heads and pop up heads will be charged on a mataiial basis when the work is performed <br /> as part of the regular service. t3eneral system maintenance inoluding checks, cleaning, <br /> programming and adjustmenfs shall be inoluded in the contract price. Establish a <br /> watering program based on seasonal moisnve requirements of the landscape planting <br /> specific to the site. A prograttrmed controller will beset up to accomplish cycles between <br /> the hours of 81'M and 6 AM. Whore applicable, hand watering shall be done using water <br /> wands, fine spray nozzles or similar devices to prevent damage to plants. Specialty <br /> Envlrottments will be sensitive to monitotittg water usage and will work to conserve <br /> water in an effort to minimize the cast of water. All Specialty Environmens' supervisors <br /> have completed Irvine Ranoh Water Districts Water Management Program. <br /> I <br /> <br />