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1. A state recognized, award-winning entity with a proven record in leadership, workforce <br />innovation, service integration and quality services. <br />2. A One-Stop Center with versatility in its service delivery that is capable of addressing the <br />needs of diverse target populations resulting in the diversification of multiple funding <br />streams. <br />3. Ability to effectively leverage resources across an extensive network of partner agencies <br />and community organization. Demonstrated fiscal stability and program sustainability over <br />the past 20 years. <br />4. Exceptional track record in successfully implementing the following programs: WIA <br />Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth Formula Grants, Rapid Response, National Emergency <br />Grants, Governor's 15% discretionary Grants, 25% Grants, DOL Welfare-to-Work Grant, <br />DOL Faith-based Initiative Grant, The Santa Ana Federal Empowerment Corporation <br />funded -Housing and Urban Development Grant -FEZ Daisy Wheel Employment and <br />training Program, DOL -Youth Earmark Grant, the Department of Justice -Weed and <br />Seed Program, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act programs for youth and adults. <br />5. Staff is well versed and current in all workforce legislations. Through membership in State <br />and national workforce associations, staff has the ability to access timely workforce <br />resources as well as any pending legislative changes and to share the information with <br />network service providers. <br />6. Has a fully developed internal monitoring and performance management system in place. <br />Comprehensive and time-tested policies and procedures manuals are updated regularly. <br />STAFF CAPACITIES: <br />Economic Development Manager: Has over 20 years of experience in government and <br />overseeing various federally, state and locally funded workforce and economic development <br />programs. Manages the various funding streams and operations of the Santa Ana WORK Center. <br />Serves as the Executive Director to the Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board. <br />13 <br />