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SERVICE AGREEMENT <br />13. Confined Space. If access to confined space <br />by Company is required for the performance of <br />Services, Services shall be scheduled and <br />performed in accordance with Company's <br />then-current hourly rate. <br />14. Hazardous Materials. Customer represents <br />that, except to the extent that Company has been <br />given written notice of the following hazards prior to <br />the execution of this Agreement, to the best of <br />Customer's knowledge there is no: <br />"Permit confined space," as defined by OSHA, <br />Risk of infectious disease, <br />Need for air monitoring, respiratory protection, or <br />other medical risk, <br />• Asbestos, asbestos-containing material, <br />formaldehyde or other potentially toxic or otherwise <br />hazardous material contained in or on the surface of <br />the floors, walls, ceilings, insulation or other <br />structural components of the area of any building <br />where work is required to be performed under this <br />Agreement. <br />All of the above are hereinafter referred to as <br />"Hazardous Conditions". Company shall have the <br />right to rely on the representations listed above. <br />If hazardous conditions are encountered by <br />Company during the course of Company's work, the <br />discovery of such materials shall constitute an event <br />beyond Company's control and Company shall <br />have no obligation to further perform in the area <br />where the hazardous conditions exist until the area <br />has been made safe by Customer as certified in <br />writing by an independent testing agency, and <br />Customer shall pay disruption expenses and <br />re-mobilization expenses as determined by <br />Company. <br />This Agreement does not provide for the cost of <br />capture, containment or disposal of any hazardous <br />waste materials, or hazardous materials, <br />encountered in any of the Covered System(s) <br />and/or during performance of the Services. Said <br />materials shall at all times remain the responsibility <br />and property of Customer. Company shall not be <br />responsible for the testing, removal or disposal of <br />such hazardous materials. <br />15. Limited Warranty. COMPANY WARRANTS <br />THAT ITS WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL <br />FURNISHED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WILL <br />BE FREE FROM DEFECTS FOR A PERIOD OF <br />NINETY (90) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF <br />FURNISHING. Where Company provides <br />product or equipment of others, Company will <br />warrant the product or equipment only to the <br />extent warranted by such third party. EXCEPT <br />AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, <br />COMPANY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, <br />EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT <br />LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF <br />MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A <br />PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO <br />THE SERVICES PERFORMED OR THE <br />PRODUCTS, SYSTEMS OR EQUIPMENT, IF ANY, <br />SUPPORTED HEREUNDER. COMPANY MAKES <br />NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, AND <br />UNDERTAKES NO OBLIGATION TO ENSURE BY <br />THE SERVICES PERFORMED UNDER THIS <br />AGREEMENT, THAT COMPANY'S PRODUCTS <br />OR THE SYSTEMS OR EQUIPMENT OF THE <br />CUSTOMER WILL CORRECTLY HANDLE THE <br />PROCESSING OF CALENDAR DATES BEFORE <br />OR AFTER DECEMBER 31, 1999. <br />16. Indemnity. Customer agrees to indemnify, hold <br />harmless and defend Company against any and all <br />(continued) <br />losses, damages, costs, including expert fees and <br />costs, and expenses including reasonable defense <br />costs, arising from any and all third party claims for <br />personal injury, death, property damage or <br />economic loss, including specifically any damages <br />resulting from the exposure of workers to <br />Hazardous Conditions whether or not Customer <br />pre-notifies Company of the existence of said <br />hazardous conditions, arising in any way from any <br />act or omission of Customer or Company relating In <br />any way to this Agreement, including but not limited <br />to the Services under this Agreement, whether such <br />claims are based upon contract, warranty, tort <br />(including but not limited to active or passive <br />negligence), strict liability or otherwise. Company <br />reserves the right to select counsel to represent It in <br />any such action. <br />17. Insurance. Customer shall name Company, its <br />officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, <br />suppliers, and representatives as additional <br />insureds on Customer's general liability and auto <br />liability policies. <br />18. Exclusions. This Agreement expressly <br />excludes, without limitation, testing inspection and <br />repair of duct detectors, beam detectors, and UV/IR <br />equipment; provision of fire watches; clearing of Ice <br />blockage; draining of Improperly pitched piping; <br />batteries; recharging of chemical suppression <br />systems; reloading of, upgrading, and maintaining <br />computer software; making repairs or replacements <br />necessitated by reason of negligence or misuse of <br />components or equipment or changes to <br />Customer's premises, vandalism, corrosion <br />(Including but not limited to micro-bacterially <br />induced corrosion ("MIC")), power failure, current <br />fluctuation, failure due to non-Company Installation, <br />lightning, electrical storm, or other severe weather, <br />water, accident, fire, acts of God or any other cause <br />external to the Covered System(s). This Agreement <br />does not cover and specifically excludes system <br />upgrades and the replacement of obsolete systems, <br />equipment, components or parts. All such services <br />may be provided by Company at Company's sole <br />discretion at an additional charge. If Emergency <br />Services are expressly Included in the scope of <br />work sectlon, the Agreement price does not include <br />travel expenses. <br />19. Availability and Cost of Steel, Plastics <br />& Other Commodities. Company shall not be <br />responsible for failure to provide services, deliver <br />products, or otherwise perform work required by this <br />Agreement due to lack of available steel products or <br />products made from plastics or other commodities. <br />(i) In the event Company is unable, after reasonable <br />commercial efforts, to acquire and provide steel <br />products, or products made from plastics or other <br />commodities, if required to perform work required <br />by this Agreement, Customer hereby agrees that <br />Company may terminate the Agreement, or the <br />relevant portion of the Agreement, at no additional <br />cost and without penalty. Customer agrees to pay <br />Company in full for all work performed up to the <br />time of any such termination. (ii) If Company is able <br />to obtain the steel products or products made from <br />plastics or other commodities, but the price of any <br />of the products has risen by more than 10% from <br />the date of the bid, proposal or date Company <br />executed this Agreement, whichever occurred first, <br />then Company may pass through that increase <br />through a reasonable price increase to reflect <br />increased cost of materials. <br />20. Force Majeure. Company shall not be <br />responsible for delays or failure to render services <br />due to causes beyond Its control, including but not <br />limited to material shortages, work stoppages, fires, <br />civil disobedience or unrest, severe weather, fire or <br />any other cause beyond the control of Company. <br />21. Termination. Company may terminate this <br />Agreement immediately at its sole discretion upon <br />the occurrence of any Event of Default as <br />hereinafter defined. Company may also terminate <br />this Agreement at Its sole discretion upon notice to <br />Customer if Company's performance of Its <br />obligations under this Agreement becomes <br />impracticable due to obsolescence of equipment at <br />Customer's premises or unavailability of parts. <br />22. No Option to Solicit. Customer shall not, <br />directly or Indirectly, on its own behalf or on behalf <br />of any other person, business, corporation or entity, <br />solicit or employ any Company employee, or Induce <br />any Company employee to leave his or her <br />employment with Company, for a period of two <br />years after the termination of this Agreement. <br />23. Default. An Event of Default shall be 1) failure <br />of the Customer to pay any amount within ten (10) <br />days after the amount Is due and payable, 2) abuse <br />of the System or the Equipment, 3) dissolution, <br />termination, discontinuance, insolvency or business <br />failure of Customer. Upon the occurrence of an <br />Event of Default, Company may pursue one or <br />more of the following remedies, 1) discontinue <br />furnishing Services, 2) by written notice to <br />Customer declare the balance of unpaid amounts <br />due and to become due under the this Agreement <br />to be Immediately due and payable, provided that <br />all past due amounts shall bear Interest at the rate <br />of 1Y, % per month (18% per year) or the highest <br />amount permitted by law, 3) receive Immediate <br />possession of any equipment for which Customer <br />has not paid. 4) proceed at law or equity to enforce <br />performance by Customer or recover damages for <br />breach of this Agreement, and 5) recover all costs <br />and expenses, Including without limitation <br />reasonable attorneys' fees, In connection with <br />enforcing or attempting to enforce this Agreement. <br />24. One-Year Limitation On Actions; Choice Of <br />Law. It Is agreed that no suit, or cause of action or <br />other proceeding shall be brought against either <br />party more than one (1) year after the accrual of the <br />cause of action or one (1) year after the claim <br />arises, whichever is shorter, whether known or <br />unknown when the claim arises or whether based <br />on tort, contract, or any other legal theory. The laws <br />of Massachusetts shall govern the validity, <br />enforceability, and interpretation of this Agreement. <br />25. Assignment. Customer may not assign this <br />Agreement without Company's prior written <br />consent. Company may assign this Agreement <br />without obtaining Customer's consent. <br />26. Entire Agreement. The parties intend this <br />Agreement, together with any attachments or <br />Riders (collectively the "Agreement") to be the final, <br />complete and exclusive expression of their <br />Agreement and the terms and conditions thereof. <br />This Agreement supersedes all prior <br />representations, understandings or agreements <br />between the parties, written or oral, and shall <br />constitute the sole terms and conditions of sale for <br />all equipment and services. No waiver, change, or <br />modification of any terms or conditions of this <br />Agreement shall be binding on Company unless <br />made in writing and signed by an Authorized <br />Representative of Company. <br />27. Severabillty. If any provision of this Agreement <br />02009 SimplexGrimell LP. All rights reserved. SG4269R6 (Rev. 01/09) 4321502514 Page 10 of 11