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A~EEIENT FAR AISITI~N <br /> REAE ~~~~ETY AND ER~w INSTRt~TI~N <br /> -PR~~ATE A~UIS~TI~N <br /> T1 A~REE~ENT entered into this da ~ of A ~a 1 a b and between the ~1VIN~t~NITY <br /> ~ <br /> REDE~EL~PENT AGENCY ~F TIDE CITE ~F A.NTA ANA, a public body, corporate and, politic <br /> thereinafter called t'Agencyā€˛} and ~ra.nk Segura and rendon ~1c~~~in.ness ~"Seller"}. ~ - <br /> w1TNESSETH <br /> ~'or and in eonsideratian of their promises, covenants and agreements hereinafter set Earth, and subject to the <br /> terms, conditions and provisions hereinafter set forth, Seller agrees to sell to Agency, and Agency agrees to <br /> purchase from Seller, all that certain real property thereinafter referred to as "said real roe consistin of <br /> ~#a#} ~ parcel ~APN # ~a~I described as follows: <br /> See Exhibit A <br /> ATTA~~ED k~ERET~ AND TEIS EFERENE ~VIADE A pA~.T I~ERE~~ <br /> Connonl known as ~ East ~ Sheet. Sawa Ana, ~'a l <br /> ~ ~ _ ~ 5 <br /> Said sale and purchase of said real property ha11 be in accordance with and subject to all of the following terms, <br /> f <br /> conditions, pran~ises, covenants, agreements and provisions, to wit: <br /> t <br /> r <br /> s <br /> I <br /> 7 <br /> l ~ anveyance by Seller. Seller agrees to convey said reaX property to Agency, by want Decd, at the office ~ . <br /> of old e ublic Title tom an , 5~~ l nth Street, Suite ~ 1a Qakland CA q4~~7 California, The losin will <br /> p J 3 9 <br /> occur na cater than ~ months from formal approval of this Agreement by Agency's governing body..Agency - <br /> rr~ay, by right, extend the escrow period once by 9a days. <br /> Title to be Canve ed. Seller agrees that, except as may hereinafter be otherwise expressly provided, said <br /> real property shall be conveyed by Seller to Agency, as aforesaid, free and clear of ar~y and all conditions, . <br /> restrictions, reservations, exceptions, easements, assessments, prot~, limitations, encumbrances, liens, leases, <br /> clouds or defects in title except those exceptions shown in paragraph l4 below. Seller hereb warrants that the <br /> y <br /> title to said real property to be conveyed by Seller to Agency shall be free and clear a~ above rovided. Seller = <br /> p <br /> further agrees that acceptance by Agency of any deed to said real property, with or withar~t knowled e of an <br /> g ~ <br /> cand~t~an restriction reservation exception easement assessment profit lirn~tation encumbrance 11en lease <br /> ? 7 9 ! ? ? 'J j 1 I l i <br /> i <br /> cloud. or defect in title, shall not constitute a waiver by Agency of its right to the full and clear title hereinabove <br /> agreed to be conveyed by Seller to Agency, nor of any right which might accrue to Agency because of the failure <br /> of Seller to convey title as hereinabave provided. <br /> 3. Title Insurance. Seiler agrees to deliver to Agency, concurrently with the canveyarice of said real <br /> property to Agency, within the tune and at the place hereinabove specified far paid conveyance of said real _ <br /> property, a policy of title insurance to be issued bar the shave mentioned title company, with the Agency therein <br /> named as the insured, in the total amount of two hu~~dred and. thirty thousand Dollars And Noll as <br /> ~$~~,~~a.aa}, insuring the title of the Agency to said. real property is free and clear of an and all conditions, <br /> y <br /> restrictions, reservat~ans, e~ceptians, easernents~ assessments, profits, llinitation, encumbrances, ~len~, leases, <br /> clouds or defects in title, excepting such specific ones as Agency may hereinafter expressly agree to take sub' ect _ <br /> <br /> to. Acceptance by .Agency of any such policy of insurance, whether such insurance complies with the <br /> requirements of this paragraph ar not, shall not constitute a waiver by Agency of its right to such insurance as is , <br /> <br /> herein required of Seller, nor a waiver by the Agency of any rights of action for lama es or an other ri hts <br /> g y g <br /> which nay accrue to Agency by reason of the failure of Seller to conve title ar to rovide title insurance as ~ <br /> y p <br /> Page i of 11 <br /> <br />