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S <br /> S i <br /> required in this Agreement, <br /> 4, Escrow, A enc a ees too en an ecraw at the aff~ce of Dld Re ublic Title Corn an X55 ~~~h Street, <br /> Y ~ ~ ~ <br /> Suite ~~5~, ~a~land, CA ~4~~7 California the Escrow Agent} within. five ~5~ days from and after the data on <br /> which the Seller has approved this Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the joint escrow instructions of the <br /> Agency and the Seller and a duplicate anginal of this Agreement shall tae delivered to the Escrow Agent upon <br /> the opening afthe escrow. - <br /> i <br /> The Escrow Agent hereby is empowered to act ender this ,Agraernent, and upon indicating its acceptance of this <br /> Section 4 and of the general Provisions described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this <br /> reference, in venting, dellvercd to the Agency and to the Sallar w~th~n flue ~5} days after dai~very of thls <br /> ,Agreement, shall carry out its duties as Escrow Agent hereunder. <br /> Agency agrees to hear and Escrow Agent is hereby authorized to charge to the Agency the cost of any transfer <br /> taxes, recording fees, cost of title insurance, recanveyance fees, dacurnent preparation fees, escrow fees and any <br /> other closing costs incidental to the conveying of said real property to Agency, Penalties for prepayment of <br /> bona fide obligations secured by any existing deed of trust ar mortgage shall be waived pursuant to Civil Cade <br /> Procedures Section 1 ~~~.~4~, <br /> The liability to the Escrow Agent under this Agreement is limited to performance of the obligations imposed <br /> upon it under Section 4~ Section Section 1 l and Exhibit f'B" of the general Provisions of this.Agreement, <br /> Property Taxes. Such real property taxes, if any, on said real, property for the fiscal year within which <br /> said real property is conveyed to Agency as are unpaid at the time of said conveyance shall be cleared and paid <br /> 1n accordance with the prav1s~ans of Sectlan 495 of the Revanua and Taxat~an Cade of the State of California. <br /> Seller shall be eligible for a refund under Section ~09~.7 of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of _ <br /> California for that portion of property texas an said real property far said f seal year which have been paid prior 4 <br /> to the date the deed conveying said real property to Agency is recorded which is allocable to that portion of the <br /> fiscal year which begins on the date the deed conveying said real property to Agency xs recorded and made <br /> uncallectxble xf unpaid by reason of Section 495 of the Revenue and Taxation Cade of the State of California. <br /> All unpaid texas an said real property for any and ail years prior to the fiscal year within which said conveyance <br /> is made shall be paid by Seller before conveyance of said real property to Agency. <br /> 6~ payment ofPurchase Price. Agency agrees to pay to Seller, and Seller agrees to accept frarn .Agency, as <br /> anal for the foil purchase price far said af} ~ real property sites, fixtures equipment improvements <br /> <br /> pertaining to the realty}, goodwill cif ar~y}, severance da~.ages, and relocation claln~s pursuant to ovcrnment Cade <br /> ~7~~ et seq., the total sung t~~~~~ hundred a.~~d t~i:~y thoua~~.d Dollars And ~Io110~ ~~~,~~~.a0}. Agency agrees <br /> to deposit said purchase price in escrow with the Escrow Agent within Thirty days franc and after the data <br /> an which the Agency has approved. this Agreement, and the Escrow Agent is hereby authorized to pay the lama <br /> to Seller upon and after <br /> ~a~ Conveyance of said real property by Seller to Agency as hereinabova provided; <br /> fib} Acceptance by .Agency of a Grant Deed conveying said real property to Agency; <br /> ~c} Delivery to Agency of the policy of title insurance as hereinabave provided; <br /> ~d} Recordation of the Dead conveying said real property to Agency. <br /> 7. Possession. Seller agrees to deliver to Agency, an the date the Deed conveying said real property to <br /> Page ~ of ~ 1 <br /> <br />