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AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION OF <br />REAL PRQPERTY AND ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS <br />-PROBATE ACQUISITION <br />Tl~l aR~EF~I~~", entered into this ~,~ day of ril, ~ 1 ~~ b and between the ~~ <br />p ~ 1V,~ilT~ <br />~DE~EI~~PET AC~~Y ~F THE ITS Ol~` AI~T~. AAA, public body, ca ante and olitic <br />thereinafter called ~}.~ency!'} and "~`hree Estates and ~ persons with individual ~r~terests" er si afore bleu <br />~ ~ <br />wIT~1ESSET <br />For and in consideration of their promises, covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, and sub'~ct to the <br />J <br />terms, conditions and provisions hereinafter set forth, Seller agrees to sell to Agency, and A enc a reel to <br />Y ~ <br />purchase from Seller, all that certain real property thereinafter referred to a "said real grope " consistin of <br />. ' ~ ~ <br />~o~ 1 parcel ~~~N # 3~1~~ I 1-~$~ described as follows: <br />See l~~hibit ~ <br />AT~'A~~D I~E~T~ a1~D ~Y Tr REF~EI'NCE BADE A PANT EI~F <br />~an~n~only known as ~ ~ 7 Last ~t~' Street, Santa ,~na, ~?~~ I ~ <br />Said sale and purchase of said real property shah be in accordance with and subject to all of the followin terns <br />.. <br />cond~t~on, promises, covenants, agreements and provisions, to wit; <br />1. or~~eyance b~~ller. Seller agrees to convey said real property to .Agent , b ~xrant Deed at the office <br />} <br />~~ y y <br />of old republic Title company, ~~ 1 ~ Street, quite ~ ~ 5~, Oakland, A 94~~7 California. The losin will <br />occur no later than ~ months from formal approval of this Agreement by Agency' governin hod . A enc <br />~' g Y <br />rnay, by right, extend the escrow period once by 9~ days. <br />~. Ti~~e to be__anveed. Seller agrees that, except as may hereinafter be otherwise expressl rovied said <br />Yp <br />real property shall be conveyed by Seller to agency, as afaresaid~ free and clear of an and all conditions <br />y , <br />rest~ctions, reservations, exceptions, easements, assessments, profits, li~nitatians, enournbrances liens leases <br />clouds or defects in title except those exceptions shown in para a h 14 below. Boller hereb warr <br />p y ants that the <br />title to said real property to be convoyed by e~ler to Agency shall be free and clear as above rovided. feller <br />p <br />further agrees that acceptance by Agency of any deed to said real property, with or without knowled e of an <br />g ~ <br />cond~t~on, restr~ct~on, reserwat~an, exce~taon, eaSen~ent, assessment, profit, Iimttat~vn, encumbrance lien lease <br />cloud or defect in title, shall not constitute a watvez by Agency of its ri lot to the full and clear title herein 7 <br />above <br />agreed to be conveyed by Seller to Agency, nor of any right which might accrue to A eno because of the failure <br />g Y <br />of Seller to convey title as hereinabov provided. <br />~. Title Insurance. Seiler agrees to de~~ver to Agency} concurrentl with the conve once of said r <br />. y cal <br />property to Agency, within the time and at the place hereinabove specifed for said can~eyance of said real <br />property, a policy of title insurance to lie issued by the above mentioned title cornpany~ with the A enc therein <br />g Y <br />named as the insured, in the fatal amount of ore hund~•cd and fftee~~ thousand Dollars And l~o1l ~~ <br />~$ l i ~,~~~.~~}, rnuring the title of the agency to Bald real prope~.Y is free and clear of an and all conditions <br />~ , <br />rest~`tct~~~lSa re~erVat~OIl~, e~~eptlQr~s, ~~Sen"~ent~, s~e~rT1eI~.tS, pr~flt, ~~Yn1t~7t~~rls, encumbrances liens leases <br />clouds or defects in title, excepting such specil~c ones a Agency zna. hereinafter ex ressl a ree tot <br />Y P y ake subs ect <br />to. Acceptance by Agency of any such policy of insurance, whether such insurance corn lies with the <br />p <br />requirements of this paragraph. or not, shall not constitute a waiver by Agency of its r~ hI to such insurance as is <br />herein required of Seller, nor a waiver by the Agency of any rights o~ action. for dna es or an other rt ht <br />g y s <br /> <br />