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which nay accrue to Agency by reason of the failure of Seller to conve~r title ar to provide title insurance a.s <br />required in this Agreement, <br />~. Escravr. A enc a eel to o en an escrow at the office of old Republic Title Carnpany, 5 ~~ ~ ~~' Beet, <br />~ ~ <br />Suite ~ ~ 50, a~land, A 94~~7 alifarnia the Escrow Agents within ~~ ~5} days frarn and aver the date on <br />which the Seller has approved this Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the joint escrow instruct~ans of the <br />.Agency and the Seller and a duplicate original of this Agreement shall be delivered to the Escrow Agent upon <br />the opening of the escrow. <br />The Escrow Agent hereby is empowered to pct under this ,Agreement, and upon ~ndicat~ng its acceptance of this <br />Section ~ and of the General Provisions described in Exhibit "B„ attached hereto and incorporated herein by this <br />reference, in wxiting, delivered to the Agency and to the feller within five ~~ days aver delivery of this <br />Agreement, shall carr}r out its duties a Escrow Agent hereunder, <br />Agency agrees to bear and Escxov~ Agent is hereby authari~ed to charge to the Agency the cast of any trans~ex <br />tapes, recording fees, cast of tale insurance reconveyance fees, document preparation fees, escrow fees at~d an~r <br />other closing casts incidental to the can~rey1ng of said real property to Agency. Penalties for prepayment of <br />bans f de obligations secured by any existing deed of trust ar moxtgage shall be waived pursuant to ~i~il fade <br />Proceduxes Section 1 ~5.~~0, <br />The liability to the Escrow Agent under this Agreement i limited to perfar~nance of e obligations impaled <br />upon it under Section 4, Section ~, Section ~ 1 and Exhibit "B" afthe enexal Provisions of this Agreement. <br />Pro ert Faxes. Sued Veal prapertY taxes if any, o~ said real property for the fiscal gear within wch <br />said real property is conveyed to Agency as are unpaid at the time of said conveyance shall be cleared and paid <br />in accordance with the provisions of Section 4~~G of the Revenue and Taxation bode of the State of alifarnia. <br />Seller shall be eligible for a refund under Section ~a9G.? of the Revenue and Taxation fade of the State of <br />California for that portion of property taxes an said real property for said fiscal year which have been paid. prior <br />to the data the deed conveying said real prape~ to ,Agency is recorded which is allocable to that portion of the <br />seal year which begins on the date the deed conveying said real property toAgency is recorded and made <br />uncallectible if unpaid by reason of Section 4~SG of the Revenue and Taxation bode of the State of California. <br />All unpaid taxes an said real property far any and all years prior to the seal year within which said conveyance <br />is r~aade shall be paid by Seller before conveyance of said real property to Agency; <br />~. Payment of Purchase Price. Agency agrees to pay to Seller, anal Seller agrees to accept from Agency, as <br />and for the full puxchase price far said ~# aft ~ real property sites, fixtures equipmant ~imp~rave~nents <br />pertaining to the realty, oad~vill cif any'}a se~rerance damages, and relaeation claims pu~'suant to ove~nrnen~ bode <br />~~~~ et s., the tata.l sun one hu~~d~ed a~Id fifteen thousand dollars And fall ~~ ~ ~ ~ ;~~~.~~~. Agency <br />agrees to deposit said purchase pace in escrow with the Escrow Agent within Thirty ~~~~ days frarn anal aver <br />the date an which the Agency has approved this Agreement, and the Escrow Agent is hereby authorised to pay <br />the same to Sellex upon and aver: <br />~a~ conveyance of said real property by Seller to Agency as hereia~above provided; <br />~ Acceptance by Agency of a grant Deed canveyxri said real propety to Agency, <br />~c~ ~el~very to Agency of the pallor of title msuxance as here~nabave provided; <br />~~~ kec~rdation of the Deed conveying said real property to Agency. <br /> <br />