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Segura, Frank - 617 E 6TH ST - PURCHASE AGREEMENT(CRA) - 2010
Contracts / Agreements
Segura, Frank - 617 E 6TH ST - PURCHASE AGREEMENT(CRA) - 2010
Entry Properties
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1/3/2012 2:07:02 PM
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9/27/2010 3:34:48 PM
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7. ~osessian. Seller agrees to deliver to Agency, on the date the Deed conveying said real property to <br />A enc is recorded, quiet and peaceful possession of said real praperty~ which shall be made free by Seller ofall <br />personal property. <br />~. U~'a~~ers. The waiver by Agency of any breach of any covenant or agreement herein contained an the <br />art of Seller shall not be deemed ar held to be ~ waiver of any subsequent or other breach of said covenant or <br />p <br />agreernent nor a waiver of any breach of any other covenants ar agreerr~ents contained herein. <br />~. heirs Assi s Etc.IProbate A roval <br />a. This Agreement, and all the terms, covenants and conditions hereof, shall apply to and bind the heirs <br />executors, administrators, successors and assigns ai`the respective parties hereto. Court can~rrr~ation ofthe sale <br />may not be required, subject to notice of the terms of the sale to ben,e~ciarieslheirs. ~f a benef~ciaryfheir objects <br />to the term of sale, court conf~rn~atian of the sale shall be required. Buyer shall have days aver receipt of <br />notif cation of a beneficiary ar heir's abj ection to elect to cancel this agreern~nt. <br />b}. ~f Probate Court approval is necessary, Seller shall file a petztion to confirm the sale of the Prape~ <br />with the court. Seller shall notify Buyer in writing of the court cQn~rination hearing date, time and location. <br />California Probate Cade nay require a legal notice to be published in a heal newspaper advertising the sale of <br />the property. tfpublicatian is required, Buyer understands that Seller zs unable to accept Buyer's offer until aver <br />the expiration of the period set forth in the published notice. to such case, acceptance of this offer prior to <br />publication is voidable. ~f the court approves the sale to Buyer, all deposit money {if any held on behalf of <br />Seller shall be applied toward the purchase price. ff the sale is not conl"~.rmed to Buyer due to an overbid, <br />Buyer's deposit money, less applicable costs shall be returned to Buyer. If the sale is canrmed by the court, <br />order Conf~iing Safe to Buyer will be issued by the court. Buyer shall pay the balance of the purchase price <br />within I0 days from receipt of such order by escrow holder yr Buyer. The purchase price offer must be at least <br />9~ percent of the probate referee's appraised or re-appraised value of the property unless exempt. If the <br />purchase price is less than 9~ percent ofthe probate referee's appraised value, Buyer may increase the purchase <br />price to the nlinirnu arnaunt required, or may withdraw frame. this transaction and receive a refund of Buyer's <br />deposit, less applicable casts. If Buyer defaults aver court canrrnation, the order canning sale nay be <br />vacated. Buyer shall pay ar~y amount the court determines to satisfy any defleienc~es of sale pace, casts, ar other <br />losses by feller. <br />l a, ~T~me ~s of the l~ssence. In all matters and things hereunder to be done and in all payments hereunder to <br />be nude, time is and shall be of the essence. <br />I I , Perrnlsslon to Enter on premises. Seller hereby grants Agency, and its authorized agents, permission to <br />enter upon said real property at all reasonable tunes prior to close of escrow far the purpose of mal~ing necessary <br />~ . <br />lnspeCtl~n~. <br />I~. ,lust Cam ensation. Seller acl~nowledges and agrees that said purchase price is just compensation at fair <br />market value for said teat property and includes any ar~d all futures and equipment, goodwill cif any} and <br />severance. <br />l~. ~o. The mailing address ofthe Seller is ~~~ youth Poplar Street, Santa A~~a,, Cixfor~a ~~~~'. The <br />mailing address afthe Agency is ~ Civic Center Pla~a,1~, Santa Ana, California 927a1. <br />I ~, Exc flans. Agency agrees to accept title to said real property subj ect to the following: Na Exceptions. <br />~ ~. Entire A~reer~~nNa Brokers. It is mutually agreed that the parties hereto have herein set Earth the <br />whale of their Agreement. Performance of this Agreement by Agency shall lay at rest, each, every and all <br /> <br />
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