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<br /> ~ y <br /> A~rRE~T FAR A~J~~T~~ ~F <br /> SAL PR~~~RT A~I~ S~Dw II~TRUCT~~I <br /> TES A~~MENT e~atered into ~s ~ da of ril, ~1~, ~ and between the O~~T'~ <br /> ~ p ~ <br /> ~~~~E~~I'~T T ~T~ ~F SANTA A~.A, ~ public body corporate and politic <br /> {hereinafter called ~~Agency~~~ and ~`ranl~. ~t and Dolores Seg~~ {"Self"~. <br /> '~TI~ESETI~ <br /> . s <br /> i <br /> For and in consideration of their praises, covenants and agrecrnents hereina~er set forth, and subject to the <br /> terms, conditions and provisions hereinafter set forth, Seller agrees ~o sell t~ Agency, a~.d Agency agrees to <br /> purchase from eller3 all that curtain real prole {hereinaft' referred to '}said real propel„~ consisting of <br /> { l parcel{~~ ~AP~I # ~ ~ ~ ~ l described as follows: k <br /> 5 <br /> ee ~~hibit ~ <br /> ATTAkI~D T~ A~TD TZS ,~F~F~C~ ~ PAST k~R~~F <br /> 4 <br /> {orn.n~only l~nown as ~ l ~ fast -~°ee~, a~ta l ~ <br /> i <br /> laid safe and purchase of said areal property shall be in acc~rdancc with ~ subject to alb of the following term, <br /> condx~.ans, promises, covenants, agreen~ent~ and prt~visions, to wit. <br /> 2 <br /> onve ance b Serer. Seller agrees to convey s~.d real property to Agencyr by grant deed., at the office <br /> of old republic Title on~pany, ~~5 l~t~ Street, Suite 21~~,, A 94~~~ California. The closing will <br /> occur ~o later than ~ ~.on from formal approval of this Agreement by Agency~s governing body. Agency <br /> rnay, by right, emend esero prod once by 0 days - <br /> i <br /> s <br /> Titlc to be conveyed. feller agrees that, except a may hereinafter be otherwise e~p~ressly provided, said ~ . <br /> real property shall be conveyed Seller to Agency, as aforesaid, free and clear of .any and all canditians, <br /> resr~ctians, res~atians, e~eeptions, ease.ents, assessments, profits, liit~tions, encumbrances, liens, leases, <br /> 4 <br /> clouds ar defects title exempt those excep~.on.s shown xn Paragraph l~ below. Seiler hereby warrants that e <br /> 5 <br /> title to said real Propc to ~e conveyed by Seller to Agency shall be free and clear as above provided. Seller ` . <br /> agrees that acceptance by Agency of deed to said real property, with or without knowledge of any - . <br /> concl~t~on, restr~ct~on, ~csat~on, eeept~~n, caseme~,t, assessment, profit, lirnitat~~n, e~.cum~ran, lien, lease, <br /> cloud or defect in titlex shall not constitute ~ waiver by Agency of its right to the fill and clear title hereinabove <br /> E <br /> agreed to be conveyed by Seller to Agency, nor of any right which might accrue to Agency because of ~e failure <br /> of feller to convey title as hereinaboveprovided, - Y <br /> 3. Title nsurance. Seller agrees to deliver to Agency, conc~a~rently with the car~veyance of said real <br /> property to Agency, within the time and at the place hereinabove specified far said conveyance of said real r <br /> prapexty, a policy of title insurance to be issued by the above n~en~aned title can~pany, with the Agency therein <br /> named as tlae insured, ~ the tata~ aznount of fa~ hu~~dred o~~sa~~l dollars A~'id oll~ insuring <br /> the title of the Agency to said real property is free and clear of any and all conditions, restctions, reservations, - <br /> except~ons, ease~.ents, assessrncnts, pro~.ts, l~n~itatians, encumbrances, l~.ens, leases, clouds ar defects title, <br /> excepting such sppeci~ic ones as Agency may hereia~after expressly agree to tale subject to. Acceptance by <br /> ~gcncy of clay such policy of insurance, whether such ir~su~ance can~plies with the re~uirem.ents this <br /> paragraph ar not, shall not can~titute a waiver by Agency of its right to such insurance as is herein required of <br /> Seller, nor a waiver by the Agency of any ~.hts of action for damages or any other rights which nay accrue to <br /> Agency by reason of the failure of Helier to con~rey title or to provide title insurance a required in this <br /> gage 1 ~f 1~ <br /> 3 <br /> <br />