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<br /> 9 ~ <br /> t <br /> } <br /> Agreement, <br /> ~scro. ~ enc a ees to a en. an escra at the office of old 1e nhl~e Tithe Cony any, ~ ~ street, <br /> ~ ~ 1~ A p <br /> to ~D, ~al~~and, C.A ~4~4~ C.ifornia ~th~ scrams Agent} within five days. franc and a1~er ~e date an <br /> which the feller h appro~ t1~s Agreement This Agreement constitutes ~c point escra i~str~ctians of the <br /> Agency and the feller and a dup~i~ate o~~ginal of Agreement shall be deliveredd to the ~serav~ Agent upan <br /> the ~pen~ng of the escro~r, <br /> The sera Agent hereby is empo~er~d to act ceder Agreement, and upon indicating its acceptance ofthis <br /> aatian ~ and o`the General Pro~risions des-ibed in xhaibit'~B" attached hereto and ~ncorparated herein ~y t1~s <br /> reference, in rltxng, de~,~re~red t~ the Agency ~ to the ellcr Within hie aver delivery of this <br /> 3 <br /> Agreement, ~ha11 carry aut its duties as ~scro~v Agent hereunder. _ <br /> Agency agrees to hear and Escrow Agent is hereby ~.utho~.~ed to charge t~ the Agency the cost of any transfer <br /> tapes, recardiz~g fees, cost oaf title in~~.rance, reon~eyance fees, document preparatian fees, esc~'o~ fees and any <br /> other closing cots ir~cidcntal to the can eying of s~xd real propo~ to Agency. 1~enalti~s far prepayment of <br /> bona fide abligativns secured by any existing deed of trust or m~r~gage sha.11 be waived pursuant to Civil bode <br /> P`xacedures ectian ~~6.~~~. <br /> The liability to the Escro~r Agent under this Agreement r~ lin~.ted to pe~`orm.ance of the abli~,tions imposed <br /> upan 1t under cctian section 1 ~ and >Jxhibit of the General Previsions of this A.grenent. <br /> i <br /> i <br /> Pro~ert~ Ta~~i such real praP~y taxes, if any, on said real property for the fiscal gear within which <br /> paid real property is con~eycd to Agency as are u~.paid ~.t the time of said conveyance shall be cleared and paid <br /> in aecord~.nce with the provxio of ectian of the ~e~enue and Taxation Cade of the Mate of Califor~a, r <br /> feller shall be e1i~~le far a refund under section ~~~.7 of the le~enue and Ta~a~on Code of the .te cif <br /> Ca,liforrria fair that portion of property tapes on said real properly far said fiscal year ~rhich have been paid prior = <br /> to the date the deed canvey~g said real property to Agency is recorded which i allocable to that par~ian of the <br /> final yeax ~'~~Ch berms on the date the deed conveying said real. property to Agency is recorded and nude <br /> uneollectible if unpaid 1~y reasar~ of ect~an 49 S~ of the t~e~cnue and Taxation Code Qf the Mate of California. <br /> A1~ unpaid taxes an said re~,1 proper fax any and all years prior to the fiscal year ~itbin which said con~reyance <br /> is made shall he paid y feller before con~veya~nce of said real prc~per~y t~o Agency. <br /> Y <br /> Payn~.t a~` Purcha.~e Price, Agency agrees to pay tv feller, and feller agrees to accept frarn Agency9 as - <br /> ar~d far the full purchase price far said o l real Arape~ sites}, fixtures equipment ~i~npxa~emen#~ <br /> pertaining to the realt~y~, goodwill {if any, severance drag, and relocation claims purs~u~nt to Go~rement Cade <br /> 7~~~ et seq., the total ~ of ~`ou~- hundred t~,~a~~sa~~d Dollars And 1~a110a {~(~~~,~~D.O~}. Agency agrees to <br /> deposit said p~zrc~ase price in escra v~ith the Escrow Agent within Thi~y X30} days from and after the date on <br /> which the .Agency has appra~ed this Agreement, and the Escrov~ Agent is hereby a~uthari~~ed to p.ay the carne to <br /> feller upan and. aver. <br /> 3 <br /> {a~ Conveyance of said real property by e11or to Agency as here~naha~e praded~ <br /> {b~ Acceptance ~ Agency of a Grant deed conveying paid zeal property to ,Agency; <br /> {c~ Delivery to Agency of the policy of title Durance as hereinbo~re provided; <br /> ~d~ ecardstian ~f the Deed conveying said real property to Agency, <br /> ~'ossesi~an. feller agrees to deliver to Agency, on. the date the Deed conveying said real property to <br /> ~Pa~~ ~ of 1~ <br /> <br />