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<br /> + ' , <br /> No ~elisne~.., By r~.~ Pad ~n The C~ar_ ~ Bch park has rece~~e~ 1n~a~~ndant la~~.X a~~ce frame 1t~ <br /> attarne nth rep t to the div~s~hili of eeeutg this ~g~eeme~.t and the r~.eag of the ~rovisians hereof, <br /> P tY <br /> The pro~.s~Qns of this Aree~nent sha11 he construed as to them felt ~noax~.n~ a~ad not for or ~a~nst any Pity hosed <br /> ~~an any attr~hution to such P~ the sourer of the ~a~.uae in ~uestxan. <br /> No Th~xd ~er~efici .This ~g~een~ent is intended to benefit one the parties hereto and no other <br /> Person ar entity has ar shad ae~uire and rights, <br /> D~ Ta ~oo e~rate ~'~rther. ~aeh paxty hereby agrees that it sha~i~, upon request of the other, execute and <br /> deliver such further documents, include ~ statement rents and authariation far seeing hand use e~,tztier~entsa <br /> form ~.nd substance xeasona~l~ acceptable to the to be charged and do ~ueh other acts and things a~ axe <br /> reasonably necess ~ appropriate to e`eetuat~e c te~~ and conditions of this ~green~entz without Cost. <br /> ~ ~icabili of ~ cement To Assi ~ees~ This A.gre.ent shad. be binding uPo~. and shah inure to the <br /> benefit of the successors assigns ofthe Parties to this agreement. <br /> ~.uthaxit~ to ~xecut~ .g~,ee~~nt. each undersigned represents and warrants that its ,signature he~reinbeio~ <br /> has the power, authority gad right to bird their respective parties to each ofthe terms of this ~~ee~nent, .nd shall <br /> lndernni ~ ono fub. , xnelun zeasonable costs and attorney's fees, far a~~ injuries or dnages to agency <br /> ~ ~ ~ ~ <br /> ~e event that such authority or power xs not, ~ .et, heid by the signatory a~ is thdran, <br /> hl~orporation 0f ~hibits. ~xh~bz referenced here and attached hereto shall be u~eorporated as if <br /> set forth the body ofthis ~g~'een~ent. <br /> 3~. Release. The Parties hereto hereby agree that all rights under section 1 ~~2 of the civil fade of the state <br /> of California are hereby ~sived. civil bode section 1 provides as fallo~~: <br /> general rc~~asc ~o ~o~ e~t~~d ela~~s ~h~ch the cred~tar saes ~~t ~~.ow oar sus~ec~ to <br /> ~~ist favor Abe tlm~ of e~ec~~~~g a re~eae, ~hlc~ if a~v~ ~ hf~ mush have _ <br /> m~~~~al~y al'fcte~ hls settte,ent i~~ tl~~ dehtor,~' <br /> I~atithstanding the provisions of civil bode section 1 eler botchy ~rre~ocably .and <br /> uneond~tlanally releases gad forever discharges the agency and each and ail of its officers, agetlts, directors, _ <br /> super~nsors, emPloyeesy rePreentatl~res~ and its succ~esso~'s and assigns and all persar~s by, through, under, <br /> ar ev~aeert with the from any arid. all charges, complaints, elahns, and liabilities of any end ~r nature <br /> ~rhatsoe~rer, lemon or u~1~nan, suspected or unsuspected hereina~er referred to a~ '~claim'~ or #'cla'~~ ~vhieh <br /> feller at ar~y time heretofore had or claimed to have ar ~hieh feller at any time hereafter may have or claim to <br /> have, ~ncluctxng, v~ithout l.rtatian, any and al,l claims related or in any manner incidental to this transaction, <br /> ~a~e 5 ~f ~1 <br /> <br />