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a a <br /> r - <br /> "ha~ar~.~ous#' or '~e~tx'ern.el~ ha~ardous'# pr~rsua~.t t~ article ~ ~ of Title of the ali~'oia 1~drninistrative bode, <br /> ~ivisxon 4, chapter ~0, i~}designated ~ a '~ha~ardo~.s substances" pursuant to Section 31 ~ ~f the lean water <br /> pct, ~T.. ~ defined a "ha~~rdous ~ra~te" pursr~ant to Section ~ ~~4 of the .esource. <br /> onser~rati~n and lecover~r pct, ~J... Sb9~l ~t ~4~ U.S.Q. 593} or ~~i} defined ~s a "ha~ardvus <br /> substances" pursuant ~o ~ectian col of the ornprehensive nviron~nent~l Response, ornpena~tion, as <br /> <br /> . a~.ended b~ Liabilit~r ~ct~ 4~. U~.. 5601 ~t~, ~4~ 59~~1}. - <br /> 1'~. tom Hance with ~nvirolunental Lars. To the best of teller's ~noledge the open complies Frith all <br /> applicable ass and go~rernmental regulations including, without limitation, all applicable federal, Mate, and <br /> local lags pertaining to air and mater, hazardous te, waste disposal, and offer environYnental matte, <br /> i~cl~~dir~, but not limited to, the dean dater, glean fir, federal ater ~o~~uti~on control, slid .a.ste 5 <br /> Disposal, resource ~oner~a~ti~n Recovery and on~pre~.ensi~e ~nvironmenta,l l~.cspanse o~npeation and <br /> L~a~oiltt~ acts, and the California environment ualit~ pct, and the, regulations, .d ordinances off' the <br /> Seller within v~hich the subject ProP~ is located, the alifvrnia ~epar~nent cfHea~lth Services, the Regional } <br /> v~ater ~i ~ontrvl hoard, the Mate v~ater resources ontral Board, the l~r~v~.ronmental Pr~teetion ~e~cy, <br /> applicable federal, Mate, and local agencies and bureaus. <br /> ~ S. dem~,it , Seiler agrees ~n.dennify, defend a.nd held the agency harmless from and against any <br /> cl, aCtlo~3, suit, proceeding, lass, Cost, damage, l~ab~l~t~, de~c~er~Cy, nc, per~alt~, puntt~~ damage, or <br /> expense ~includin~ without li.n~itatxon, attot~ey~ fees}, resulting from,, arising out af, or based upon ~i} the <br /> 5' <br /> presence, release, use, generation discharge, 5to~agC, or disposal of and ~a~ardous Material on, under, in or <br /> about, or the transpo.ati~on of and such materials to ~r from, the 'roper, or ~ii~ the violation, or alleged <br /> violation, of any statute, ordinance, order, rule, regulation, permit, ~~.dg.ent, or license reiatir~.g to the use, <br /> generation, release, dish-are, stora~~, disposaia ~r trans~ortatian of a~ardaus ateri~.1 a~, under, i, or ~ . <br /> about, to or from, the ~'ropert~r~ This indemnity shall include, Without limitation, and damage, lial~ilit~r, .ne, <br /> penalty, punitive, cost, or expense arising frcrn or out of and claim, action, suit or proceeding for 4 <br /> personal in~ur~ ~inclnding sicl~ness~ di~eac, or death, tangible or i~.tang~be property damage, compensation for <br /> list wages, business income} profits or other economic less, damage to the natural resource or the environmt, <br /> nuisance, pollution, contamination, beak, split, release, or other adverse effect on the env~onment}, "phis <br /> ~ndernnit~' extends only t~ hablht~r created pr~ar to or up to the date this escr~~r shat-l close; Seiler shall rat be <br /> responsible for acts or omzss~a~as to act post claw of this escrow. <br /> 19. ontin ems. It is understood and agreed ~beteen the parties hereto that the completion of this _ <br /> transaction, and the escro~r created hereby, is conting°nt upon ~e specie acceptance and approval of the <br /> Agency herezn. The eecu~on of these documents and the del~~e of same to Bscro dent constitutes said <br /> acceptance and approval, <br /> 20. codification and ~.d~nent. This agreement nay not be modified or amended except in ~rit~ng <br /> signed by tho Seller and ~ger.c~. <br /> ~ l , P~.r~al lnvalid_ A.n.~ provision of <br /> this ,~reernent that is unenforceable or in~~.d or the concl~sicn of <br /> which ~auld adversei~ affect the vadity, legality, or enforcement off' this Agreement shall have no effect, but <br /> all the remaining provisions of this ~green~ent shall remain in full force. <br /> a tions~ captions and headings in this reen~.ent, including the tithe of this Agreement, are for <br /> convenience only and are not to be considered in construing t.s Agreen~e~t, <br /> ~3. overn,l~a~. Tl~ agreement shall be ga~rerned b~ and construed in acco~`dance with the lames ofthe <br /> Mate of a,lifornia. <br /> Pace 4 ~f 1~ <br /> <br />