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E~IB~T ~c~» <br /> LEGAL E~R.~PTI~ - <br /> The hand referred to is situated in ~e Jaunty of ~range~ pity of a~ta. Ana, ta~t~ o aiio~a, acid ~s described - <br /> Those portions Lots and ~n ~iack "F" of Fruit Addition. to Santa East, ~n the City ~.nta Ana, as <br /> per map thereof recorded ~oo~ 5, at pale ~ S~~ of ~~~e~~ar~eous records Los An~;e~e~ bounty, California, <br /> bounded and described as foi~o~~~ <br /> ~eg~nnin at point ~ the orthresteriy line of ~a~d Lot dx~tant thereon ~ ~ feet degrees East <br /> ~ron~ the most e~tcr~y oocr said Lot and thence ~or~h ~3 ~I~ degrees East feet to e <br /> ester~y of the land c~n~eyed by Margaret E. ll~et~ eta Deed dated ~auuaxy ~ 9oD, and <br /> recorded ~ Boa~4~~ at gage, of Deeds, records ~ ~a~d Los Angeles oun, thence ouer% along the grid <br /> 'este~r~ ~~ne to the Iorerly ~~e East ~t1' street, t1~en estert~ along said orthor~y ixne East Street, <br /> ~ feet, thence ~orthorly to the point of, <br /> Parcel 2; <br /> A ~~on~ecii~e eaeent for dri~eay Purposes over that Portion. of the alley, ~e~t ode} as said a~~ey <br /> shown on a rnap of fit Addition to Santa Ana East recorded. in Boob Page ~ of N~icellanou records of - <br /> ~range ou.~aty. alifarnia, ad~o~ Lots ~ and ~ ~ in loci F of said Fra%t .ddit~on to Santa Ana. East on the <br /> ~artheast, said portion being bounded outher~y by the Easterly prolongation o~ the outherly line said Lot <br /> ~ ~ in and bounded Northe~terly be the ~or~hester~y prolongation of the orthv~esterly loo of axd Lat 7, { <br /> <br /> ~[~TE~ Parcel Two herein described ~s only bung eluded so as to a~roid the company being the cause of <br /> e~clr~ding ~t horn deeds or encumbrances, but ~4 ~SUANE i to be pro~~ded as to said parcel. <br /> i <br /> Anything to the contrary ~n the policy or endaxseents thereto not ith~tandin, said parcel ~ ~T IS~REI~ <br /> e~cn thaugh 1t may be lnciuded as part of the deception o~ the land described or ferred to ~n the po~~cy. _ <br /> The o~aapany re~uire~ that the ~nured~s} acl~nov~iee in meriting they n~derstand th~~. <br /> Should a request, however, be made for in.~~nce in this regard, it nst be referred to the Tithe I~ep~rtent for <br /> an appropriate re~pone. <br /> i <br /> <br />