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CG37 <br /> X11 d%sburser~aent sha11 be made by ~scrowrs check. All funds received iu this escrow shall be deposited one <br /> ~r mare of ~rour general escrow account with any band doing business ~ the Mate oaf aiifarnia nay be <br /> transferred t~ ~.n~ other ge~.erai crow ac~aur~t ar accounts. The expression '~clase of escrow}' means the date <br /> on which %nstrurnents. referred tv herein are filed for record. adjusi.ents are to be made on the afa ~4~ <br /> d~,y rnonth. ec~ordation of any instruments del~~ered through this escrow, if necess~rry ar proper the iss?~anee <br /> of a policy of ~tle insurane~e coiled for, is hcby autha.~ed. <br /> There shall be no proration of any e~~st~n insurance palz~ies in this escrow. <br /> you are to f~~rnish a Dopy o~f these insta.ction, ~m~dments thereto, cloying state~n~ent and~or any other <br /> docurr~.ents deposited in this escrow to the 1 ender or lenders, the real estate broker or brol~ers andior the attorney <br /> or attorneys ~n~rolved this transactx~on upon request of such lendsz brokers or attorneys. <br /> hau~d you before or aver close of escrow receive or become aware of any conflicting demands ar claims with <br /> <br /> respect to this escrow or the rights of any of the parties hereto, or and money or property deposited herein <br /> affected hexeby, you shall have the right to discontxn~e any or all further acts on your part until such conflict is <br /> i <br /> reoived to year satisfaction, and you shall have the further right tv co~nTnence ar defend any action or <br /> <br /> pracee~dings for the determination of such conflict. The parties hereto ~oxntly and severally agree to pay alb - <br /> costs, dax~nages, ~udg~nents and e~penses7 including reasonable attorney's fees, sn`ered or incurred by you in <br /> connection with, or arising out of this escrow, includ~ng~ but without Ming the generality of the ~`oregc~in~z a <br /> suit interpleader brought by you. In the event you file spit xn inte~pleader, you shall ipso facto be fully <br /> released and discharged from all obligations irrlpased upon you in tl~s c~crow. <br /> ~f i'or reason finds are retained or remain in escrow} you are to deduct therefra~n a reasonable rnanthly <br /> charge as cutc~dian thereof a~f not less than $ ~ per month, <br /> Time is declared to be the essence of these instrU.c~,ans. ~f you are unable to carnpl~r within the tine speeif~ed- _ <br /> <br /> herein and such additional tide a~ is required to make an examination of the official records, you will retuxn alb - <br /> doUnlent, money ar property to the party en.~.tled thereto upon satisfactory wr~tt~n demand and autho.~atian. <br /> ~ an~en~m.ent of andlar supplen~cnt to~ any instructions mast be ~ writing. The Seller agrees to sell and the <br /> Aancy agrees to bud e property herein described upon the terms hereof{ <br /> These escrow m~truct~ons# and endlnents hereto, may be executed 1n one ~r mare counterparts, each ofwhich <br /> tndep~endently shall have the game effect as if it were the ar~ginaly and all of which taken together sh~.l <br /> constitute one and the same instruction. <br /> Page 8 ~f i ~ <br /> <br />