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(a) This section applies only to buildings, or portions thereof, which have been <br />designated as historical property pursuant to section 30 -1 of the Santa Ana Municipal <br />Code, and which would require either the installation of an automatic sprinkler system, <br />or the installation of one (1) or more fire hydrants with appurtenant water supply, or <br />both, in order to comply with the California Fire Code as amended by this article, by <br />reason of the additions, alterations or repairs or changes of occupancy proposed for <br />such building. <br />(b) An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in any portion of such <br />building which is to be used as a place of public assemblage or a Group H occupancy, <br />as defined in the building code of the City of Santa Ana. <br />(c) Subject to the overriding requirement of paragraph (b) of this subsection, <br />changes to buildings within the scope of this section shall be subject to approval on the <br />following standard: Installations of automatic sprinkler systems or fire hydrants shall be <br />required only to the extent necessary to avoid an increase in the risk of fire occurring, <br />the danger to life in the event of fire, or the difficulty of fire suppression or to avoid a <br />prolongation of any especially hazardous situation. The need of such installations or <br />alternative fire protection requirements shall be evaluated in view of any modifications in <br />building safety standards due to application of the state historical buildings code, and <br />the fire marshal shall coordinate his review with that of the building official in this regard. <br />The fire marshal may impose alternative fire protection requirements on building <br />changes within the scope of this section as appropriate to maintain this standard and <br />shall waive any requirement of this section which is inconsistent therewith. <br />(d) The fire marshal shall give priority to building changes within the scope of <br />this section which are submitted for his review by the community redevelopment <br />agency. <br />SECTION 54: The City Council of the City of Santa Ana hereby finds, determines <br />and declares that adoption of Section 14 -21 amending California Fire Code section 202, <br />Definition #2 is necessary due to the climatic and geographic conditions of high winds <br />and low humidity. This combination of events creates an environment that is conducive <br />to rapidly spreading fire. Control of such fire requires rapid response. Obstacles <br />generated by a strong wind, such as fallen trees, street lights and utility poles, and the <br />requirement to climb 75 feet vertically up flights of stairs will greatly impact the response <br />time to reach an incident scene. Also the City is located in the middle of the seismically <br />active area identified as Seismic Zone 4. The viability of the public water system would <br />be questionable after a large earthquake leaving tall buildings vulnerable to uncontrolled <br />fires and the inability to pump sufficient quantities of water to upper floors. <br />SECTION 55: That section 14 -21 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />such that it reads as follows: <br />Sec. 14 -21. Definitions (Section 202). <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXXX <br />11 A-27 Page 27 of 43 <br />