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Section 202 of the California Fire Code is adopted in its entirety, except for the <br />following amendment revising the definition of High -Rise and adding a definition for <br />Planned Unit Development building as follows: <br />HIGH -RISE BUILDING. As used in this Code: <br />1. "Existing high -rise structure" means a high -rise structure, the <br />construction of which is commenced or completed prior to July 1, 1974. <br />2. "High -rise structure" means every building of any type of <br />construction or occupancy having floors used for human occupancy <br />located more than 55 feet above the lowest floor level having building <br />access (see California Building Code, Section 403.1.2), except buildings <br />used as hospitals as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 1250. <br />3. "New high -rise structure" means a high -rise structure, the <br />construction of which is commenced on or after July 1, 1974. <br />PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) or PLANNED RESIDENTIAL <br />UNIT DEVELOPMENT. As used in this Code, is a private residential <br />subdivision or partition of land resulting in three or more dwelling units; as <br />approved and recorded in accordance with local planning and zoning <br />regulations. <br />SECTION 56: That section 14 -23 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />such that it reads as follows: <br />Sec. 14 -23. Accidental alarms (Section 401). <br />Section 401.9 is added to the California Fire Code, to read as follows: <br />401.9 Accidental Alarms <br />(a) As used herein, the following terms shall have the following <br />meanings: <br />"Accidental alarm" means an alarm, message, signal, or notice received <br />by the fire department as a result of the failure of a fire alarm system to <br />function properly. <br />"Manually activated alarm system" means a nonresidential alarm system <br />which is activated while the business is open and /or occupied and <br />activated by the deliberate acts of an employee, or a residential alarm <br />system designed to be activated by a tenant from within a residential unit. <br />It does not include manual pull stations activated from areas accessible to <br />the public. <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXXX <br />11 A -28 Page 28 of 43 <br />