Johnson �) City of Santa Ana
<br />�' 20 Civic Center Plaza, M -1 i, Santa Ana, CA 92701
<br />Controls Santa Ana Regional Transporlafion — Choler Maintenance PSA
<br />The Customer retains the tight to make changes or alterat/ons to /!s Equipment. If, !n JC /is opfnlon, such changes or a/lerellons
<br />substent /e /ty affect JC!'s services or obi /gallons, JC! she /1 have the tight to make appropr /ate changes fo the scope or fo the price of
<br />this Agreement or fo both.
<br />F. ACCESS
<br />The Customer vAl/ gNe JC! Iu!! access to e// equlpmenf that Is e1lher Covered Equlpmenf or assoc/efed w/f!t /f when JCI requests
<br />suoh access. If access cannot be prow /dad, JC /^s o6l/gellans under Ih /s Agreement will be suspended un!!l euch access to the
<br />equ /pment /s provkfed Matters al/ect/ng ✓CI's access to the equipment may lxlude, but are not rlmlted to the remove%
<br />rep/ecemen� repel , rel/nlahing, restora!lon, reconstrclotion, of other remed /al actlans taken by the Customer w/lh respect !o
<br />equlpmenf or to the Cusfomer�s lac! /Ify. Suapens/on of JCI's duties for th/s reason will not caxe/ or suspend any of the Customer's
<br />obligations under this Agreement.
<br />JC /'s services under 1hla Agreement do not Include:
<br />Y) supplies, accessadea, or any items normally consumed during the use of Covered Equlpmenf, such es ribbons, bulbs, and
<br />papa ,.
<br />2) calls reau/f/ng Irom lack of operator -level preventive ma/ntenexe, a /te•re /afed problems, or operator error, -
<br />3) service calls due fo /allures resulting /rom acts of Ood, abuse or m /suss o/ equ /pment or elteretlons, mod/8cel/ons, or repairs
<br />fo equipment not performed or proNded by JCI.
<br />4) the famishing of matedals and auppl /ea /or palnf/ng or reflnlsh/ng equ /pment;
<br />S )e/eafrlcal woNc to the Customer's fecl!/ty necessary because o/ equ /pment.
<br />B) aerv/ce oa! /s resuffing /rom atfechmenfs made fo Covered Equlpmenf or other equlpmenf not covered by this Agreement;
<br />7) the reps /r or replacement of ductwork, cas/ngs, cabinets, structural supports, tower f1lYslale/basfn, hydraullo and pneumaf/o
<br />piping, and vesse /s, gaskets, end p/p/ng not normelty replaced or malnfalned on a scheduled basis, and remove! o! oil or
<br />mo/sfure Irom pneumatic p!ping;
<br />B) service cal /s resulting from the eflecls of erosion, corros/an, acid clean/ng, or damage Irom unexpected ar especla /ty severe
<br />frees /ng weather that !a beyond whet !s prevented by JC! a normal malnfenance;
<br />9) work caused by any operet /on o% adJusfinenfs to, or repair to, Covered Equlpmenf by others no! author/zed /n advance by JCI,•
<br />f 0) work caused by the neg!/gence of others !ncluding but not ! /tufted to equlpmenf operators and weer treatment companies;
<br />11)aerv/ce cal /s due to lellures ceased by Improper env /ronmenta! condillone alfect/ng equlpmenf or electNcel power l /uctuat /ens,
<br />fI due to conditions beyond JCI ^s control, and aervk;a calls required because JCf had prevlousty been denied access to the
<br />equ /pment; and
<br />f2Jdlspose/ of hazardous wastes. Hazardous wastes rema/n the properly end the responslbll![y of the Customer even when
<br />removed Irom equlpmenf or rep /aced by JC/ as provided by the terms of th /s Agreement, The Customer shall be responsible
<br />for the proper storage and disposal of hazardous wastes. Th /a includes, but Is not /!m!!ed to, used ol/, contaminated or
<br />uncontam/nated reldgerent, and PCBs.
<br />H. JCl's EQUIPMENT
<br />JC/ may provide fools, documenfaf /on, pane /s, or other confro/ equfpment !n the Customer's buf /d/ng for JC!'s conven/ence /n
<br />padorm/ng JCl s services. That equlpmenf she!! remain JC /� properly. JCf retains the Nghl to remove auc /t Items at any time during
<br />the term, or upon the termination of, th /s Agreement.
<br />JC! and the Customer agree fo fndemn! /y and io hold each other, /ncluding their oglcers, egenfe, directors, end employees,
<br />harmless from a!/ claims, demands, or sulfa o! any k/nd, 7x/ud/ng e/! legal costs and reasonable artomeys lees, resuRing form the
<br />/nfentlonel miscanduct of their employees or any neglggen! act or om /ss /on by the /r employees or agents. JCI and the Customer
<br />agree that JCl shat/ be responsible onty for euch /nJury, loss, or damage oaused by the lnlentlona/ m/sconduct or the negligent ecf ar
<br />omission of JCI. The obIlgetlons o /✓C! end of the Customer under th/s paragraph are further subJect to paragraphs J end K below
<br />f) Nelfher ✓C! nor the Customer will be respons/b!e to the other Ior any special, indirect, or conaequentia/ damages. Nelfher party
<br />wl /I be respons /b /c to the other Ior damage, loss, InJury, or delay caused by condlt/ons that ere beyond the reasonable control,
<br />end without the /nlentione/ m/sconducf or nag/ /gents, of that parry. Such candJt/ons /xlude, buf are not /!tutted fo: (a) acts o/
<br />God,• (b) acts of Government agencies; (c) strikes; (d) labor d/aputes; (e) f /re; (q exploslone or other casualties; (g) thefts; (h)
<br />vandalism; (!) Nots Q) terrorism or war or (/) unavallablllty o1 parts, mateNa /s orsupp //es.
<br />2) !f th /a Agreement covers gre safety or aecuNry equlpmenf, the Customer understands that JCf Is not an Insurer regarding those
<br />services. ✓Cl shell not be reaponsrY�le /or any damage or loss that may result from lire safety or security equfpment that /al /s to
<br />perform propeNy or faf /s to prevent a casuaky loss.
<br />3) JCl /s not responsible for any !nJury, loss, ar damage caused by equ /pment that Is not Covered Equipment.
<br />1) Asbestos - Conte /ning MateNafs: Nelfher party desires to or fs licensed to undertake direct obi /gatfons relating to the
<br />ldentlfk;atlon, abelemenl, cleanup, confro% remove/ or disposal of asbestos- confalning materla /s (ACM). Consistent w/th
<br />app! /cable laws, Customer shall suppty JC/ with any /nformallon !n !fs possession re/a!/ng fo the presence of ACM !n areas
<br />where JC! undertakes any Services that may rasa /t In the dlaturbexe olACM. !f Is JCI's pol/cy to seek certNlcatJOn for Iacl/itles
<br />oonstrucled pdor fo 1982 that no ACM Rs present, and Customer she!! prov /de such ceNlf/catlon /or bulkiings It owns, or a!d JCI
<br />/n receNing euch cart /IlcaBon from fec /I/ty owners !n the teas of bu/Idings that /t does not own, // JCI wIl! undeNeka Services !n
<br />f/ie fec/ /Ify that could disturb ACM // either Customer or ✓C/ becomes aware of or suspects fha presence of ACM that may be
<br />disturbed by JCI's Services, !t shat! lmmedlately atop fha Services !n the affected area end notify the others contacts. As
<br />between Customer and JCI, Customer shat/ be responsible at /!s sole expanse for addressing the potent /al loi of the presence
<br />o! ACM !n conformance with elf appJ /cable laws artd addressing the Impact of its d /s[urbance be /ore JC/ cont/nues w/lh /!s
<br />Services, unless JCf had actual fveowledge that ACM was present end acted !n disregard of that knowledge, !n which case (a)
<br />Proposal (10 -116) by: Tlm Lai November 1, 2D1D Page 12 of 13
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