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Johnson ��).� City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza, M -i i, Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Controls Santa Ana Regional Transportation — Chiller Maintenance PSA <br />JCI she!/ be respons/b/e of /s sole expense /or remedlaling arses Impacted by the dlafurbence of the ACM, and (b) Customer <br />shall resume !!s responslbl/Itles for the ACM alter JC!'s remedlef/on has been completed. <br />2) Other Hazardous Meler/a /s: JCI shat/ be responsible for removing or disposing of any Hazardous MeteNa/s that !! uses In <br />providing Services (7/CI Hazardous Metede /s7 and for the remedial /on of any areas impacted by the release of JC! Hazardous <br />Materle /s. For other Hazardous Mateda /a that may 6e olherw /se present at !fs lecnillea ('Non -JC! Hazardous Meferlels7, <br />Customer abet/ auppty JCI with any /n/ormatlon !n !!s possession relating fo the presence of such mafeda /s /f lhe/r presence <br />may a /fact ICI's performance o/ tha SeN/ces. !/ e/ther Customer or JCl becomes aware o/ or auepec(s the presence of Non - <br />JCI HezeMous Malerlals that may Interfere w/th JCl s Services, !t abet/ lmmsd/afely slop the Sery Ices /n the of /acted eras and <br />not //y the other's contacts. As between Customer end JCI, Cuafomer shat! be respona /b /e of !!s sole expense /or removing end <br />d/sposlrtg of Non -JCI Hazardous Materiels /rom !t tact /!lies and the remedlatlon of any areas impacted by the release of the <br />Non�/Cl Hezerdoua Materials, unless JC/ had actual knowledge that Non -JC! Hazardous Materials were present end acted In <br />d/sregard cI that knowledge, /n which case (a) ✓Cl shat! be responsible at /!s sole expense Jor the remed/atlon of any areas <br />Impacted by Its release o1 such Hazardous Maler/a1s, and (b) Customer shall remafn respons/ble at /fa sole expense for the <br />removal o! Hazardous MateNa/s That have not been released and for releases not result /ng from ✓C /'s performance of the <br />$BN /CBs. <br />L. JC %s EMPLOYEES <br />The Customer acknowledges that JC /'s employees are a valuable asset to JCI. The Customer egress to pay JC/ an amount equal <br />to Y2 monlha of salary for each JC/ employee who worked at the Customer's facility that /s then hired by the Customer el any time <br />dur/ng the term of fh/s Agreement and ror BO days fherealter. !n addition, the Customer agrees fo re/mburse JCI for all costa <br />easoc /sled w/th any balnfng JCI prov /dad fo such employees duNng the three years before the date the Customer hires such <br />employees. <br />M. ASSESSMENT <br />!t !s the Customer's responalblpry to pay aJl taxes or other government charges relating to the Vensfer, use, ownereh /p, aeMcing, <br />or posaeaslon of any equipment ralaf/ng fo th/s Agreement. <br />N.RENEWAL PR/CEALUUSTMENT <br />JCI w! /I proHde Customer with notice of any edJustmente In the ggreement pACa epplloabfe !o a renewal period no later than 1!/ry- <br />Ihre (ti5) days prior to the commencement o! that renewal period. Unless the Customer terminates the Agreement es prov/dedln <br />the Term/Automatic Renewal prov /slon oI [h /s Agreement, the edJusted price she!/ 6e the pACe for The renewal peNod end may <br />Inc /ude a price increase based of/ of the rag /onal CP/ (Consumer PNC/ng Index) as wolf es other costa essocfefed w/fh prov /ding <br />the servk;es /ound In the agreement <br />O. RESOLUT /ON OF DISPUTES <br />I/ a dispute arises, the parties shall promptly attempt !n good lalfh to resolve such dlspufe by negot/atlons between JC! and TNba! <br />Court. !n the event any such dispute cannot be resolved accord/ngty, each party sf/pulates that any dlspufe between the parries <br />as to the /nrerpretat /on of any prov /alon of, or fha pertormance of ob/lgat/ona under, this Agreement abet/ be commenced and <br />prosecuted /n a court o! competent JuNad/ot /on /n tea! Verde County. Each party walvea any Nghf to !Nat by Jury wtth respect to any <br />such d /sputa. To the extent reasonably erect /cable /n the courts sole d/scretlon, the couN also ahei/ make a determinat /on <br />regard/ng which party's /ego! position /n any such controversy or claim is the more substanllelly correct (Preve!/!ng Perry) and <br />the Prevell/ng Perryy abet/ recover el/ reasonable costs, Includ/ng reasonable ettorneyk lees, Incurred es a resu /t o /the dlspufe. <br />P. MISCELLANEOUS PROV1S1ONS <br />i)Any notice that is required to be given under th /a Agreement must be !n writing and sent to the peNy at the address noted on the <br />I/rst page o/ this Agreement. <br />2)Th/s Agreement cannot bB transferred or ess/gned by el�her party without the prior written consent of the other parry: <br />s)Th /s Agreement /s the entire Agreement between JC/ arrd the Customer and supersedes any prior oral understand /ngs, written <br />agreements, proposals, or other oommunlcatlons between JC! end the Customer. <br />4)Any change or mod/gcallon to this Agreement will not ba el /active unless made !n writing. Th/s wNllen /nstnrmenf must <br />spec //ICalty !nd/cate that !t /a en amendment, change, or modll/catlona to !h /s Agreement and a new agreement must be signed <br />within thirty {30) days or race /vlrtg the amendment. <br />5)The Customer acknowledges end agrees that any purchase order issued by Customer, !n accordance with this Agreement, la <br />Intended only !o establ/sh payment authority /or the Customers inferno! aocaunting purposes. No purchase order ahei/ be <br />considered to be a counteroffer, amendment modll/cetlon, or other rev/slon fo 1he terms of th /a Agreement No feim or <br />cond/tlon /nGuded /n the Customer's purohase order w//! have any fame ore /fact. <br />Should any changes to relevant regu/at/ons, laws, or codes aubstantlalty effect JC!'s Services or ob!/geHons, the Customer agrees <br />to negot/efe w/th JCl !or epproprfele changes to the scope or price of the Agreement or both. <br />Proposal (10 -116) by: Tlm LaI fJovember 1, 2010 Page 13 of 13 <br />