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C11 ..,1 L.. II,.~........,,1 t]:11...~., i..,. .,. _~~..~,. .. A T .. ___ __..,.,.1 C_..~ i:_L. T~~ . _t iT r.• ._ n _ec <br />2. AMENDMENT APPLICATION NO. 98-13 AND SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT 67 <br />Filed by Homestead Village, Inc. to rezone a 4.7 acre parcel from Light Industrial (Ml) to Specific <br />Development 67 in order to facilitate the construction of a 129 unit hotel and a 30,000 square foot office <br />building located at 3651 West Sunflower Avenue in the Light Industrial (M1) zoning district. <br />(Continued by the Planning Commission April 12, 1999 to April 26, 1999) <br />LEGALLY NOTICED: March 21, 1999 <br />PUBLICLY NOTICED: March 26, 1999 <br />' RECOMMENDATION: <br />1. Recommend that the City Council deny Amendment Application No. 98-13. <br />2. Recommend that the City Council deny Specific Development 67. <br />3. Recommend that the City Council receive and file the Negative Declazation for Environmental <br />Review No. 98-86. <br />Commissioner Nalle noted that he would be abstaining from the discussion and action of the project. <br />Commissioner Cribb disclosed that he had conversations with the applicant regazding the proposed project. <br />Mr. Joseph Edwards, Principal Planner, presented the staff report, recommendation, and informed the <br />Commission of the modifications to the proposed project. <br />Chief Paul Waters, Police Department, discussed the South Harbor area prostitution issues and long term <br />concerns with the use and informed the Commission that approval of the project could increase criminal <br />activity in the area. <br />Mr. Ken France, representing the applicant, stated that the applicant was willing to have 24 hour <br />management, 24 hour desk services, and a security guard during the evening hours. In addition, he stated <br />that the applicant had no problems with the adjacent retail uses. <br />' Ms. Pam Sepeto, representing the applicant, discussed with the Commission proposed modifications to the <br />project. <br />Mahon recommending that the City Council adopt an ordinance approving Amendment Application No. <br />98-13 and that the Specific Development include: I) all of the recommended Police Department <br />conditions; 2) all proposed amenities; and 3) the covenant language must include a definition for <br />residential as over 10 percent of rooms are rented by same occupant for over 30 days; and recommend <br />that the City Council receive antl file the Negative Declaration for Environmental Review No. 98-86. <br />MOTION: Mondo SECONDED: Cribb <br />AYES: Mondo, Solorio, and Cribb <br />NOES: Verino, Doughty, Richardson <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAINED: Nalle <br />Mr. Gary Sheatz, Assistant City Attorney, reviewed with the Commission the Bylaw provisions on impasse <br />which state that if the Commission vote is tied, the applicant may opt to continue the item for future <br />Commission consideration or to have the item forwarded to the City Council with a recommendation of <br />denial. <br />The applicant requested that the Planning Commission forward the denial to City Council for final action. <br />' 9. Oral Communications -Comments from the Public. <br />(For matters not listed on the Agenda). <br />There were no comments. <br />10. Excuse of ahsences. <br />There were no absences. <br />Planing Commission Minutes 4 Apri] 2b, 1999 <br />