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Historic Resources Commission
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1/3/2012 12:59:16 PM
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2/3/2011 11:11:01 AM
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<br />Mr. Joseph Edwards, Principal Planner, provided an overview of staff's evaluation and emphasized <br />that staff utilized the code for the basis of their recommendation. <br />Commissioner Chinn asked if the structure was qualified to be on the National Register. <br />Ms. Linnaus indicated that the structure did not meet the minimum criteria to be on the National <br />Register. <br />Commissioner Giles commented that an important observation was left out for the criteria of <br />' Landmark structures in the code, specifically the stature of significant architects; and he further <br />emphasized that Richard Neutra's contributions to the area were significant and he supported <br />placing the structure on the Register as Landmark. <br />Madam Chair Kings commented that she was of the opinion that the structure was a Landmark <br />building; and although the staff recommendation may be academically correct, the local importance <br />of having a Neutra building with global appeal warrants a Landmark status. She suggested that the <br />State Preservation Office be contacted and she believed it would qualify for National Register status <br />under Category 15a and she referenced Santa Ana Chapter 30, Section 30-2.2(1) d and she <br />suggested an additional review of the code may be necessary as it applied to buildings that may <br />have a more international following. <br />Motion to: 1) receive and file the Categorical Exemption for Environmental Review No. 00- <br />196; adopt a resolution approving Historic Resources Commission Application No. 00.06; <br />and adopt a resolution approving Hlstorfc Register Categorization No. 00-28 with the <br />modification that fhe structure be categorized as a Landmark structure on the Santa Ana <br />Register or Historical Properties. <br />MOTION: Cribb <br />SECOND: Berry <br />AYES: Kings, Berry, Corpin, Cribb, Giles, and Chinn <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Brenes and Gartner <br />ABSTENTIONS: Bustamante <br />' 3. Oral Communications -Comments from the public. <br />- (For matters not listed on the Agenda) <br />There were no comments. <br />4. Comments from the Deoutv Citv Manager. <br />Ms. Cynthia Nelson was absent. <br />5. Comments from the Planning staff. <br />Mr. Joseph Edwards, Principal Planner, informed the Commission that this was the last meeting of <br />the year and wished everyone happy holidays. <br />6. Comments from the Citv Attornev. <br />Mr. Benjamin Kauffman, Chief Assistant City Attorney, introduced Mr. Chris Norman and informed <br />the Commission that he would be assisting with the Historic Resources Commission items in the <br />absence of Ms. Cris Shaw. <br />7. Comments from the Historic Resources Commission. <br />Commissioner Chinn <br />• commented that he had learned that there were no plans to allow connection of the City's web <br />site with other local non-profit groups and he would like to work with staff on the issue. <br />• inquired as to when the consultant, Ms. Leslie Heumann would start analyzing the 39 buildings to <br />add to the register; and the other list of 720 buildings. Staff informed the Commission that Ms. <br />Heumann would begin her work on the structures in early 2001. <br />• commented that the Logan area was a viable area for histpric purposes. <br />• commented that several of the Orange County barrios have received renewed interest and that <br />the Delhi barrios should also be looked at. <br />Commissioner Corpin <br />3 <br />
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