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• inquired as to the timeframe the consultant would '', be working with staff to complete <br />inquired as to the timeframe the consultant would '', be working with staff to complete <br />documentation on the properties. Mr. Edwards indicated rchat the Ms. Leslie Heumann would be <br />assisting staff until the work identified in the project is comlpleted. <br />Commissioner Berry <br />• expressed his appreciation for a productive year. <br />Commissioner Cribb <br />• expressed his appreciation to staff. <br />• commented that he would like to receive signage on the freeway recognizing the downtown <br />' historical district in Santa Ana. <br />Commissioner Giles <br />• commented that he did not receive notice from staff concerning a demolition of a structure on <br />North Main Street. <br />• informed staff that Ms. Debbie McEwen was impressed with staff's work concerning the Keech- <br />Klatt House. <br />Commissioner Bustamante <br />• expressed his best wishes to staff and the Commission. <br />Madam Chair Kings <br />• requested an update on the objective list. <br />• commented that she would like to complete the last of the 2000 objectives, such as incentives by <br />January. <br />• commented that she would like to establish objectives for 2001 during the February meeting. <br />• commented that she would like to discuss the Broadway corridor issue during January. <br />• requested a copy of the revised Chapter 30 with the amendments. <br />• informed the Commission that the Template Committee met and reviewed the templates <br />presented at the meeting. <br />• commented that instead of adding an additional Commission meeting, she would like to extend <br />the meetings a little longer to 2.5 hours in order to remain on schedule with the anticipated <br />' workload. <br />• disclosed that she had an informal meeting with Mr. Mike Harrah regarding One Broadway Plaza <br />project. Commissioner Cribb also disclosed that he had attended the meeting with Mr. Harrah. <br />8. Excuse of absences. <br />Commissioner Cribb moved to excuse the absences of Commissioners Brenes and Gartner. <br />Commissioner Bustmante seconded the motion and the motion unanimously passed. <br />9. Adiournment to the City Hall Ross Annex. First Floor,. Training Room. <br />Commissioner Berry moved to adjourn to the Ross Annex, First Floor, Training Room at 5:45 p.m. <br />Commissioner Giles seconded the motion and the motion unanimously passed. <br />WORK STUDY SESSION <br />20 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA <br />SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA <br />UPDATE ON HISTORIC PAGE OF DIVISION'S WEBSITE. <br />Ms. Hally Cappiello, Assistant Planner II, provided an overview of the Division's website, <br />' 2. PRESENTATION OF SAPIN COMPUTER SYSTEM. <br />Mr. Kenneth Adams, Planning Manager, provided an overview of the SAPIN computer <br />system. <br />3. Adiournment. <br />The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. <br />SMJ <br />4 <br />