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Ms. Maya DeRosa, Senior Planner, presented a Powerpoint presentation and discussed <br />Ms. Maya DeRosa, Senior Planner, presented a Powerpoint presentation and discussed <br />with the Commission the proposed criteria for the evaluation of exterior modifications. <br />Ms. Robyn Uptegraff, Executive Director, informed the (Commission that staff would further <br />develop the criteria and bring a recommendation to thei, Commission at the next scheduled <br />meeting. <br />Commissioner Cribb requested that staff present two hypothetical examples at the next <br />meeting of exterior modifications and the re-use of existing historic buildings and suggested <br />that the examples be the Santora Building and the Phillips Block Building located on Fourth <br />Street and Broadway. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />\rVllll 11 YlllGi1UV11, <br />matters not listed on <br />There were no comments. <br />COMMENTS FROM STAFF AND THE COMMISSION <br />2. Comments from the Executive Director. <br />There were no comments. <br />3. Comments from the Planning Manager and staff. <br />Mr. Joseph Edwards, Principal Planner, informed the Commission that City Council approved the <br />Property Improvement requirements for the Mills Act Agreem@nts. <br />4. Comments from the Citv Attornev. ', <br />' There were no comments. <br />5. Comments from the Historic Resources Commission. <br />Commissioner Giles indicated that he would like staff to notify the property owners and the <br />Commission a minimum of two weeks prior to meetings for the categorization of structures. <br />Commissioner Gartner expressed that he enjoyed the preesentation for the categorization. <br />Commissioner Corpin expressed that she was happy that the Commission had begun the <br />process of categorizing the properties on the Register and cautioned the Commission <br />regarding categorizing a large amount of properties as Landmark and stated that the <br />properties categorized as Landmark should be the most outstanding structures. <br />Commissioner Chinn informed staff that his name was Spelled incorrectly on the display on <br />Channel 3 and requested it be corrected and stated that he would not be able to attend the <br />next scheduled meeting. <br />Commissioner Kings apprised staff that she received a letter from Grace Steiner and she <br />was interested in placing her property on the Santa Ana Register and requested that staff <br />contact Ms. Steiner and provide the remaining Commissioners a copy of the letter; reminded <br />' staff of the distributed memo, dated April 3, 2000, by Staff regarding placing the Christian <br />Science Building on the Register and stated that 60 days would be the next scheduled <br />Commission meeting; informed staff that she had received a fax from Zack Architecture <br />requesting her personal opinion on a door solution for a, proposed restaurant in the Santora <br />Building and she suggested that the two door solutions be included for discussion as an <br />example in the exterior modification workshop; noted that Commission Chinn had provided <br />a list of all of the downtown buildings that were on the National Register; and requested that <br />staff research the possibility of sending Commission njembers and/or appropriate staff to <br />the National Trust for Realtor Training for marketing historic structures and to the National <br />Trust Convention in October. <br />6. Excuse of absences. <br />