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Bowers Museum of Cultural Arts <br />The Agency has worked with the Bowers Museum over the past years in providing <br />rehabilitation of existing and expansion of facilities to allow for cultural growth in the <br />community. The Agency continues to partner with Bowers to achieve these endeavors. <br />Improvements of Public Parking Garages <br />During the next five years, the Agency will assist with enhancing our public parking garages <br />consisting of five in the downtown area and one adjacent to the Santa Ana Regional <br />Transportation Center. These garages provide much needed support to the continued success <br />of the Downtown and the SARTC. <br />Infrastructure Improvements Program <br />Infrastructure improvements include projects that will assist with the future development of <br />the Merged Project Area. By facilitating new development the Agency will eliminate <br />deterioration and obsolescence. Traffic improvements and street lighting will also enhance <br />public safety and reduce crime. Infrastructure improvements may include, but are not limited <br />to, the following: <br />• Transportation and circulation improvements which may entail street widening, <br />construction of street medians, land configuration, street maintenance, improved traffic <br />signalization and signage; <br />• Sewer improvements to alleviate infrastructure inadequacies, meet flow requirements <br />and ensure public safety; <br />• Storm drain improvements including capacity for existing and new development to <br />ensure proper drainage and on-going street improvements of Merged Project Area <br />streets; and <br />• Public infrastructure improvements including sidewalks, curbs and gutters, <br />streetscape/landscape improvements, public transit improvements, public parking <br />structures, creating pedestrian links and developing enhanced parkways and sidewalks, <br />and providing access to the disabled. <br />Downtown Wayfinding Signage Program' <br />This program funds the development of signs to direct cars and pedestrians to shopping, <br />cultural and service destinations within the Merged Project Area. This program will evaluate <br />existing vehicular and pedestrian way finding signs in downtown Santa Ana and provide input <br />for a potential redesign and enhancement of current way finding sign program. <br />Parking Lot Improvements' <br />The Agency plans on making major upgrades to the City-owned parking lots including repaving, <br />adding energy efficient lighting, replacing landscaping, repainting, and upgraded security <br />measures. <br />Santa Ana Community :?'opment Agency irnpl&nig ioO an July 1, 2010 to June 30, " <br />For the Merged Santa . c.tevelopment Proj Ur tect1 pa -