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B. AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND STATUS <br />A five-year implementation plan must address the redevelopment agency's performance <br />relative to each of these responsibilities in enough detail to evaluate the Agency's performance <br />for each of the five years. This includes the following: <br />¦ Plans for using annual deposits into the Housing Set-Aside Fund. <br />- Affordable Housing Funds must be spent on very-low, low and moderate income <br />housing projects in proportion to the unmet need for housing as defined in Government <br />Code Section 65584 (Income Targeting Requirement) <br />- A cap is applied to the amount of Affordable Housing Funds that can be spent on <br />housing that is subject to age restrictions (Age Restriction Requirement) <br />¦ Identification of planned projects that will result in the destruction of existing affordable <br />housing and identification of proposed locations for housing to replace units removed for <br />project activities (Replacement Housing Requirement). <br />¦ Estimates of new housing units to be constructed within the Merged Project Area if adopted <br />after 1975 and both a five-year and a 10-year plan to produce affordable housing in <br />response to new housing production (Inclusionary Housing Production Requirement). <br />¦ Many affordable housing practitioners in California have concluded that redevelopment <br />agencies can use one unit to fulfill both the replacement housing and the inclusionary <br />housing production requirements imposed by Section 33413. However, in the interest of a <br />conservative approach, the Agency has made the policy decision not to double count units <br />toward the defined replacement housing and inclusionary housing production <br />requirements. <br />¦ An explanation of how the goals, objectives, projects and expenditures will implement the <br />low and moderate income affordable housing fund and housing production requirements. <br />¦ A new requirement of the law, Section 33490(a)(2)(C)(iv) of the CRL is to identify the <br />amount of Affordable Housing Funds used to assist extremely-low, very-low, and low <br />income units during the previous implementation plan period: <br />Extremely Low Income Units $93,241 <br />Very-Low Income Units 14,254,304 <br />Low Income Units 8,467,420 <br />Total Assistance 522.814.965 <br />Santa Ana Community Redevelopment Agency Impjrzr tioryP n n July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2015 <br />For, the Merged Santa Ana Redevelopment ProjectlX?F1?d1 -44 Page 41