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¦ Rental income and lease income. <br />¦ Repayments on existing residual receipts and individual loans. <br />¦ Repayments of previous SERAF Payments from the Affordable Housing Fund. <br />The projected revenue streams for the Affordable Housing Fund can be summarized as follows: <br />Table 8: Projected Affordable Housing Fund Revenues (FY 2010/11- FY 2014/15) <br />Set-Aside Deposits $13,573,000 $13,691,000 $13,835,000 $14,120,000 $14,411,000 $69,630,000 <br />Interest Income 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 2,500,000 <br />Rental/Lease Income 85,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 85,000 425,000 <br />Loan Repayments 633,000 633,000 633,000 633,000 633,000 3,165,000 <br />SERAF/ERF 1,500,000 1,634,000 1,634,000 1,634,000 1,634,000 8,036,000 <br />Repayments <br />Total Revenues $16,291,000 $16,543,000 $16,687,000 $16,972,000 $17,263,000 $83,756,000 <br />USE OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND DEPOSITS <br />The Agency is projected to incur the following costs during the Implementation Plan period: <br />Housing Rehabilitation <br />The Agency anticipates expending $4.8 million on the Housing Rehabilitation Program during <br />the Implementation Plan period. <br />Land Purchase / Other / Relocation Costs <br />The Agency has budgeted $6.5 million for land acquisition costs during the five-year period. <br />Projects & Programs <br />A total of $54.0 million is budgeted during the Implementation Plan period for various projects <br />and programs. <br />Administrative Expenses <br />Costs such as salaries; overhead; consultant and legal fees; and supplies will be incurred to <br />implement the Affordable Housing Program. The cash flow projection includes annual estimates <br />through Fiscal Year 2014/15 which total to $14.7 million during the Implementation Plan <br />period. The actual expenditures must be determined each year and may differ from this plan's <br />projections. <br />Debt Service <br />The Agency obtained a HELP Loan from the California Housing Finance Agency. The remaining <br />balance on this loan is $403,000 and the Agency expects to repay it in FY 2010-11. The Agency <br />will continue to evaluate funding mechanisms, which may include issuing housing bonds. <br />Santa Ana Community Redevelopment Agency Im i ? n July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2015 <br />For the Merged Santa Ana Redevelopment Project 68-4 Page 43