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The projected Affordable Housing Fund expenditures during the Implementation Plan period <br />can be summarized as follows: <br />Table 9: Projected Affordable Housing Fund Expenditures (FY 2011- FY 2015) <br />Housing Rehabilitation $300,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $4,800,000 <br />Land Purchase 2,500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 6,500,000 <br />Projects & Programs 12,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 54,000,000 <br />Planning & Administration 2,763,000 2,846,000 2,931,000 3,019,000 3,110,000 14,669,000 <br />Debt Service 403,000 0 0 0 0 403,000 <br />Total Expenditures $17,966,000 $16,749,000 $14,931,000 $15,519,000 $15,610,000 $80,372,000 <br />The Affordable Housing Fund expenditures are projected to total $80.4 million for the five-year <br />period and are summarized in Figure 1: <br />Projected Affordable Housing Fund Expenditures <br />FY 2010/11- FY 2014/15 <br />Housing <br />Rnhnhilitnti- <br />Land Purcl <br />Other, <br />Relocation <br />6,500,000 <br />Debt Service <br />403,000 <br />1% <br />AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND CASH FLOW ANALYSIS <br />This Implementation Plan provides an illustrative example of how the Affordable Housing <br />Program could be financed on an annual basis over the remaining term of the Merged Project <br />Area. However, the timing and specific amounts of both revenues and expenditures may be <br />adjusted over time. Specific decisions on each of these items will be made as part of the <br />Agency's annual budget process. <br />Santa ?iii-nunity Redevelopment Agency Imp n e gionA?P n July 1, - Tune 30, 2.015 <br />For th d Santa Aria Redevelopment Project -48 Page 44