Section 33334.4 allows the Agency to expend a disproportionate amount of the Housing Funds
<br />for very-low income households, and to subtract a commensurate amount from the low and/or
<br />moderate income thresholds. Similarly, the Agency can provide a disproportionate amount of
<br />funding for low income housing by reducing the amount of funds allocated to moderate income
<br />households. In no case can the expenditures for moderate income households exceed the
<br />established threshold.
<br />The following summarizes the actual expenditures incurred by the Agency between January 1,
<br />2002 and June 30, 2010:
<br />Table 12: Actual Expenditures (1/1/2002 - 6/30/2010)
<br />Very-Low Income $32,057,000 47%
<br />Low Income 16,031,000 26%
<br />Moderate Income 8,126,000 27%
<br />Totals $56,214,000 100%
<br />The following summarizes the income category allocations of the proposed expenditures for
<br />July 1, 2011 through December 31, 2014:
<br />Table 13: Proposed Expenditures (7/1/2010 -12/31/2014)
<br />FY 2011 $5,805,000 $3,485,000 $5,510,000 $14,800,000
<br />FY 2012 5,265,000 3,105,000 5,130,000 13,500,000
<br />FY 2013 4,680,000 2,760,000 4,560,000 12,000,000
<br />FY 2014 4,875,000 2,875,000 4,750,000 12,500,000
<br />July 1- Dec. 1, 2014 4,875,000 2,875,000 4,750,000 12,500,000
<br />Total Expenditures $25,500,000 $15,100,000 $24,700,000 $65,300,000
<br />% of Total Expenditures 39% 23% 38% 100%
<br />Santa Ana Community Redevelopment Agency Imp do n IJ.rly 1, 2010 to June 30, 2015
<br />For the Merged Santa Ana Redevelopment Project9rot-OU -'L Page 46