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By the end of the obligation period, it is anticipated that the Agency expenditures, totaling <br />$121.5 million, will have allocated 47% of the Affordable Housing Fund's project and program <br />expenditures to very-low income households, 26% of the funds to low income households and <br />27% of the funds to moderate income households, summarized below: <br />Figure 2: Income Targeting Proportionality Test <br />(1/1/2002 -12/31/2014) <br />These expenditures match the current proportionality requirements, and thus, the Agency is <br />anticipated to meet the income targeting standards imposed by Section 33334.4. <br />Santa Ana Community Rede\! ^ of Agency Imp i _ I n July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2015 <br />For the Merged Santa Ana Re ,ment Project Page 47 .