Age Restricted Proportionality Test
<br />Section 33334.4 also requires redevelopment agencies to cap assistance for age-restricted
<br />housing based on the percentage of very-low and low income senior citizens within the very-
<br />low and low income households in the community. In the City of Santa Ana, very-low and low
<br />income senior citizens account for 12% of the City's total very-low and low income population.
<br />Therefore, the following summarizes the maximum amount of Affordable Housing Fund
<br />expenditures that can be spent on age restricted projects.
<br />Table 14: Age Restriction Requirements
<br />The following summarizes the actual expenditures incurred by the Agency between January 1,
<br />2002 and FY 2010:
<br />Table 15: Actual Expenditures (1/1/2002 - 6/30/2010)
<br />Age Restricted $919,000 2%
<br />Non-Age Restricted 55,295,000 98%
<br />Totals $56,214,000 100%
<br />The following summarizes the income category allocations of the proposed expenditures for
<br />July 1, 2010 through December 31, 2014:
<br />Table 16: Projected Expenditures (7/1/2010 -12/31/2014)
<br />FY 2011 $1,740,000 $13,060,000 $14,800,000
<br />FY 2012 1,620,000 11,880,000 13,500,000
<br />FY 2013 1,440,000 10,560,000 12,000,000
<br />FY 2014 1,500,000 11,000,000 12,500,000
<br />July 1- December 31, 2014 1,500,000 11,000,000 12,500,000
<br />Total Expenditures $7,800,000 $57,500,000 $65,300,000
<br />% of Total Expenditures 12% 88% 100%
<br />By the end of the obligation period, it is anticipated that the Agency expenditures will have
<br />allocated 7% of the Affordable Housing Fund's project and program expenditures to age restrict
<br />projects and 93% of the funds to non-age restricted projects, summarized below:
<br />Santa Ana Cominrrnity Redevelopment Agency Implementation F`
<br />For the Merged Santa Ana Redevelopment Project 'o"B-52
<br />July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2015
<br />Page 49