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Inclusionary Housing Surplus / (Deficit) 149.5 0.0 149.5 <br />Total Inclusionary Housing Fulfillment 102.0 12.5 114.5 <br />Adjustment (56.6) 56.6 0.0 <br />(Less) Inclusionary Housing Obligation (47.0) (69.0) (116.0) <br />Inclusionary Housing Surplus / (Deficit) 148.0 0.0 148.0 <br />Inclusionary Housing Surplus / (Deficit) 148.0 0.0 148.0 <br />Total Inclusionary Housing Fulfillment 0.0 0.0 0.0 <br />Adjustment (9.0) 9.0 0.0 <br />(Less) Inclusionary Housing Obligation (6.0) (9.0) (15.0) <br />Inclusionary Housing Surplus / (Deficit) 133.0 0.0 133.0 <br />Thus, the Agency is expected to surpass the CRL inclusionary housing obligations. <br />D. REPLACEMENT HOUSING STATUS <br />LEGAL REQUIREMENTS <br />The Agency is required to meet replacement housing obligations pursuant to Section 33413(a). <br />This Section requires the Agency to replace, on a one-for-one basis, all units removed from the <br />inventory as a result of Agency actions that are occupied by low and moderate income <br />households. In addition to matching the income levels of the removed units, the Agency must <br />also replace an equal or greater number of bedrooms. <br />Article 16.5 requires that if an implementation plan contains projects that could result in the <br />removal of low and moderate income housing units, the plan must identify locations suitable <br />for the replacement of such housing. The homes that are removed from the inventory may be <br />replaced with fewer units as long as an equal or greater number of bedrooms are provided in <br />the replacement units. Replacement housing units do not have to match tenure (i.e., rental vs. <br />ownership, family vs. senior housing) as the units removed from inventory. Also, replacement <br />units can be developed anywhere within the City limits. <br />PAST REMOVAL OF LOW AND MODERATE INCOME UNITS <br />With the exception of one very-low income five-bedroom unit that was removed in 2005, the <br />Agency has fulfilled all the replacement housing obligations for units that were removed during <br />the previous Implementation Plan periods. To fulfill this outstanding requirement, the Agency <br />Santa Ana Comnum _ elo ment Agency Im I n i ior n Jul 1, 2010 to June " <br />For the Merged Sant 2deelopmennt Project8106-b? Y