VWtfh respect to provision a. above, a person's:or organizatiatn's si�tus as an insured under this
<br />endorsemenfi ends v+i4ren your op±eraflorxs for thaf, person• or arg,anizatinrr are pompleted_
<br />tl4fith respsect toy ptdvisilon t.b� abavq, a igersan's or vrgahization's status a5 aR insured under this-
<br />endorsememt entts when their contract orragrsernent wih you `for such prernhses or �facilitres- .ends:
<br />2. Thls endorsementprovfslon A. does not apptyc
<br />a, Un[ess the vyritten contract- oragreemenf h.as beBJ'1 exeFUted„ rjr permit has been fssu�d ",� prlar to the
<br />"`trodity ifijury," -, "'property damage" or "persorral cnd advertising injury' ";
<br />b., To °bodily injury" or "propertytamage' oacurrin.g afters
<br />(1 j All Work, including rnaterhals, parts or egyipment furtished hn connectcar`i wkh' sunh Work, in the.
<br />..
<br />project (other than service, maintenance or repairs) to °,be pciYartn�eq by or pn' behalfi of thi3
<br />addhtional.hrtisured�sj at tFtiiE~ site oftile covered operations has been completed; Qr
<br />(Zj. Than portion of °ycsvr wor14"` out,Qf which the injury vr:ctarnage a;nses has taeen put te1 its intended;
<br />uss by any person or organization attiel^ than another eohtraetor or subco °ntractor ehgaged. in.
<br />performing;operatons fora principal as a part of the same prt�jsct'
<br />c_ To the: renderirtg of ar Tailure:'to render any; professhonai services irtcludinS, but not (tmited to, any
<br />professional architectuFal, eng:in.eeringi nr surveying ssrviaes such =as;::
<br />(�} Yh® preparing, approving,,;orfailtn�g to prepare or approve, rn�ps, shop drao*�ngs, apinigns,:
<br />repairs, surveys, field arder5, change o:rrters or drawings attt spe�cafiotts; :and
<br />{2j Supervisory, inspection. arcYtit�tural or engineer�fng aGfivities;
<br />d:. T© "' bodily inJuryr, ` property damage" or "persanai:,and adverY€sing injury'•'- arising :out �a�€ "any a,ct, error or
<br />omission that rssults from tYi� additional insured's soie negiigen.cs or wrongdoinH;
<br />e. To any Person =or organtzatio_n: incl�,idet as an insured under provision B. ofttxis endorssrnerr't;
<br />f, To any;person or orgairis�athan. included as,an insureid tzy a separate addthanaldinsurad endorssm;en#
<br />ISSFJedE by us and made a part oPYhis. policy.
<br />B. AI3D,IT1G7:1'ItA1�,tN8ltt2�L1 — VEMOE7R
<br />F'ar�raph 2_ under �ECT101Wr lli= WHF1 IS 4N IA[S,L�RIEQ: �:amendEd fo inctude:as an irasured =airy person atf
<br />arg'anizsiion (referred to trelpw' as °�rprrdora� WStNt whom )Ycsu agreed; in �E! written:cvntraot,or a$�reementt'o
<br />ptovide Insurance such as is a;ffarder unzlsr this policy, tact vnfy with respect to "earthly irijuty° or "property:.
<br />damage".arhsing oaf of; °your products° Which ors distributed 4r Sotdi hn the regular course afthe usndor`5
<br />business. subject to tYre'foitoWhng acitRhon�iJ exGusittrrs:.
<br />„ T'he insurance af%rded the vendordrses not apply fu, „,
<br />a, "BOdfi�y{ 5njury'"or "propertydamags° ftsrr+arhhch the vendor is obligated to pay €tamages r?y
<br />!reason ofths BSSumptlom of laebitCty Pn a conCract air sgreemertt. This excly ,ia�3s [f'¢es n.o�t� apply
<br />atC1 thebtiity for damages fhat th.e ven63or+rvould flaVi� i'rt.fhe at;4sence of the ocantract'Qr
<br />si�reement;
<br />b. Arty 4>�rsss w,arrarrty unaathorf�ecf by You;
<br />¢- ,Ahy phys'imal olr chemical Gfretnge Itr'tFre product marls IFitenitohally 6y the Vendor
<br />�rE�`Lr. -6(13 (D�r'D9 -7 �In+Ctt -tH,e� c�s*+�cigEstetlmw4e#aE:��nY 71x��tiCe Sec %ir�,f�Y%iEc�- :TAZ`. �efFith�aA �+."�sUi?tckave P..��e � oi�rT
<br />