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d'. fF2epackaging, anless urtpaGced s�otely fcrrthe purpas�e bf respecfen, demonstratirrn,��e�sting, c►r <br />��xbstituYion of petits under instructibns fi1-om tt�e rnufacturer, and then repaGkBged in the <br />origirna[ container; <br />e. :Any failure to Rlak4 suci7 inspsatircarrs, adjustfxtents, tests or servicing as th,e srertdor has- agr1eed <br />to rrtake or normalcy .undertakes fm make. ih the c��trse af- business, fn connection with the: <br />dlstribution.or =sale of'the pnaducts.; <br />f. DgMartstratibn, instaliaiionf, servicing or repairope`ratiohs, eacoegt'SUCh bper'attpYS perfbrmed <br />at the snendor's' premises in cb'nrees~ti'bn �rithr the sdld bf the product;, <br />il`. Pcoduats uvhict�, after distribution or sale'by, you,,l-ra� been labeled or relabeled or:used ar,,a <br />containeR, part csa ingredient a #any o3herthFng or substan.rss by orforthe srendor ar <br />h. "Tca "bodily Injury" br "property damage" arising +;ut csfi F#ny abt, en5o'r or omisstbn that resuits froriy th,t <br />�dS�Itior2al insured's sple=megligence- br�ngd ©ing;: <br />2. min insur -eons does not apply to any insured ;person ororgarxiz�tion from vrhom you bases acquired such <br />;products,, or any ingredient, part.or container, entering iota, ,accompanying nr contairing such protiuets: <br />Yrfs�`€i:`6Q3. (O�r[;tirl -S IriClta�ss c��w-++t�t3.mai�al;oi' 7n�aca�i =e Sei4�� OY�iCe� -�. +acis�•u» p�si[xi.4isd9rtc P.ri�e 6 olC> <br />