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<br /> <br />ARM N•1011.041 <br />???pa/Gkfa???che2Zflnr? APPHQ(;?, <br />WAD, HUIZAR <br />CCG307 rlmvnFTHECDUNCII tISgF,STO?CN? <br />CER17EICA'f10N Aasisfauf Ci(y Rtlorney <br />I, the offmial named below, CERPIPY UNDER PBNALTP OF PERJURY (fiat I am duly <br />authorised to legally bind thaprospaclive ?enlYaClof to the clause(s) listed below'fhis <br />cerlifioanon is made cadet hhe laws of me Slateof California, <br />I. STATEMENT; Contractor has, unless aaempted, complied with <br />fhenoudiscrimination program requirements. (Gov. Carla §12990 (a•? and CCR,11'tle 2, <br />SecUou 6103) (Notapplica6leto public aunties.) <br />2, DRUG?FREE WORKPIAC&REpUIREMENTS? CoutracWr will comply wifU the ?? <br />requinments of the D[ug•Pree WorkplaoeAG of 1990 and will provide a dmg•hee <br />warkplaceby?kingihefollowiugaafians: <br />a, Publiahastetemanfnafifyingamploy?tsp?afurdawfulmanufaetu<a,diskibuPtoo, <br />disperlsadon, possession arose of a congrolled substance isprohihited and specifying <br />aGions l4 betaken against employees foe violations, <br />b, Establishafhug•ErezAwuen¢ssProgramtoiuformemployeesahouk <br />1) the dangers of dmg abuse in the workplace; <br />2) the person's or orgeuisalion'a policy of maintaining a dmg•liee workplace; <br />3)anyauailahlecouuseling,rehabilitanonandemployeeassistanceprograms;and, <br />4) penalties that maybermposed upon employees for dmg abuse violanous. <br />a Eery employee who works ou the proposed Agreement will: <br />CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION CLAUSES <br />1) receive a ropy ofthe company's dmg•&ee workplace policystatement; end, <br />2) agree to abide by the terms of the company's s(afement as a condhion of employment <br />on the Ap{eement. <br />Failure to comply with these requirements mayresull in suspension of peyrnants wrier <br />EheAgraementortermNationoffheAgreementorbofhendContta?ormaybeineligihle <br />for award of any future State agreements if the department defemrines that any of the <br />followiughas o?urnd, the Conuactorhas madefalse cerEificanon, orviolatedfhe <br />