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certification by failing to carry out the requirements as noted above, (Gov, Code§8360et <br />seq,), <br />3, NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CERTIFICATIONS Contractor certifies <br />that no more than one (1) final unappealable findibg of contempt of court by a Federal <br />cod has been issued against Contractor within the immediately preceding two-year <br />period because of Contractor's failure to comply with an order of a Federal court, which <br />orders Contractor to comply with an order of the National Labor Relations Board. (Pub, <br />Contract Code §10296) (Not applicable to public entities.) <br />4, CONTRACTS FOR LEGAL SERVICES $60 000 OR MORE PRO BONO <br />RE IIIREMENT;Contractorherebycertifiiesthatcontracto? contractor requirements of Section 6012 of the Business and Professions Code <br />2003, , eHertive January I, <br />, <br />Contractor agrees to make a good fath effort to provide amiralnumnumber of hours of <br />pro bono legal services during each year of the contacr equal to the lessor of 30 <br />multiplied by the number of full time anomeys in the fun's offices in the Stare, wit the <br />number Of hours prorated on an actual day basis for any Contract period of less than a full <br />year or 10% of its contract with the State, <br />Failure to make a good faith effort may be cause for non renewal of a stare contract far <br />legal sauces, end may be taken info acoowt when deterrnining the award of future <br />Contracts withtheSratr Porlegal services, <br />6. BXPATRTATE? Cpl Condarlor hereby declares Iflet it is not an <br />ezpatriale corporation or subsidiary of an expatriate corpomticn within the moaning of <br />Public Contract Code Section 10286 and 10286. f, and is eligibleto Confracf with the <br />State of California, <br />6, SWBATFREE CODE OF CONDUCT; <br />a, All COntraG0r9 contracting far theprocuremenr or laandaring of apparel, garments of <br />corresponding accessories, or the procurement of equipmenp materials, or supplies, other <br />llranprocurementrelatedto apubGcworksconkacr, dcolareunderpenahyofperjmy Thar <br />nC apparel, garments or cortesponding accessories, equipment, materials, or supplies <br />furnished tothe sfatepursuanttothe contract have been laundered orproduced in whole <br />or in part by sweatshop labor, forced labor, convict labor, indentured labor under penal <br />sanction, abusiveforms of r,Mld labor or exploitation of ohildcen N sweatshop labor, or <br />with Gee benefit of sweatshop labor, forced labor, convict labor, indentured labor Coder <br />penal sanction, abusive fomss of eM(d labor or exploitation of children in sweatshop <br />labor. The contractorfurtherdeclareswderpenal(yofpegury?ettheyadherefothe <br />Sweatfine Code of Conduct as set forth on the Caifomia Depa?ent of Indushial <br />Relations websire located at wwww dyCa eov, and Public Contrecf Code Sion 6108 <br />b, The contractor agrees to cooperate fully in providing reasonable arcess to be <br />cantmctor'srecords, doCUmenis,agents oremployees, orpremises if reasaneblyrequired <br />byaufhori2edoffialalsaffheconireCdngagency,(heDeparhnentoflnduaGialRCladons,