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UWIBISapfe Ana Wohdorce lnvesfri Board <br />FahUll E <br />SUPPLEMENTAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR Page 2of2 <br />CONTRACTS USING ARRA FUNS <br />c. A delalleck of all protects or acllvkles rc*d'ARRA We were evendirg or ob[gated, including: <br />(ii.?AdasulpVanof lhepmJeolor aBrvily; <br />(illJAn evaluadooOf me complellopstatus of the pmJeelaraollvlly;eod <br />Qu,?Ae estlmale of lheoum6er of jobs created end for retained by the project or eoWlty', <br />d, For any oonifads equal to orgreater than $26,088; <br />(I) the name of bra antlly receivingNe moVaui', <br />M The name of the pmjecloradMlp, yf'd/ <br />(li.)1he amount of the ooplreB; <br />MJ The NotlhAmedcaD Intlusiry ClassNrmllpn Syalem iNFICS) aotleor Celalag of FedBrat 8amaslioAssistance <br />(CFBA) Dumber, <br />(vlf? the looadon of the entity rer?ivlpg the an(raB; <br />(vIVJ The pdmeryloratloD of the opnGad, Ipdud'mg the oily, stale, congressional disldaf and DauDtr)r <br />IN.I the DUNS numher, or name end alp codefo[Ihe eotlry M1aatlquadera', <br />lad A unique Idenllper of the eotlty re?IvlDg the rootrect end iha pareniwttlry olCophaclor, should the enlRy he <br />owned 6y aoofheq and <br />(dJ the Demaa aodfolal opmpepeatlon of Ihepua moat hlgNy aompenasled oBioers of Na company dh reaeivad', 1) <br />B8%ormora pf l!s annual groasrevanuea ID fatla? awards', 41 $YSM or more ID aowel gross reveoae imm federal <br />awards eod,3) I(Ihe pu6ga doss pal haua access to IntormetloD ahoutiha oompeosaVoD olseoior ezaoulivesihrovgh <br />patlodlerepods pfatl upder seplUp 13?aJ or IS(d) of the SawriOes FxohangeAeiaf 1841 o[s?lan 8184 oflDlerpal <br />RwepuaCodao11B86, <br />RUhelrepsaotloptype? <br />e, For spy aonlraals of lase Ihao $26,888 ar to lpolulduais, Ihs ipfo(matloo required above may6a repotlad in Iha aggregala end <br />requires the oetlNpllop oleo authorised oNmr of Copiraolarihet the IDfotmetloD oopteloed Ip the repotl fs axprale, <br />Any olM1erinformadon reasoneplyrapuaafed byPoe 513te olCalifornia.orraqulred6ys(afe ortetlerallaw orregule6'op, <br />Slepdard dohs elements and federal iosWdlansYprusa ID aomplylDg with repatllDg requiramanis under Sedlop 16t2 of the <br />ARRA, are pentllnp rwiew by the federal govemmenf, and were pu611shad ID the federal Reglatar on Aprii 1, 2888 p4 FR <br />140g4f,and are to ha provided oDIIDe at wurvFederelReootllng ppv.The eddtllopal requlremenfs will ha added to mla <br />mDhad(s), <br />Notes', <br />(v) The Program sovoel <br />NO An awardNla tleaorlpfive of Ifia purpose of each fundlpg acllon', <br />t. BApBhmenfa shell Work Wlth iher federal fYnding pelbera, A6 Wall ea Neh legal COapae, a ¢n9ara that eflyaddVOne <br />faderel ragalremanls assoBefed whh ARRA fundlDg are appmprleteN IDduded ID sallollallop and ocp(reottlooumaols, <br />2. Foraddltlooel refereaoa daperMents can revlawNe Elaplmnlo Cpde of federal Ragulallops, Tlde 2, 5ectlop 178, <br />IhlloIleohcopareessaouloofdNearhad'dn ech&tol W2Flpdealol)AwredTennslorpssls(anoeggresmenlsfha( <br />II1COde FOlldS UDdef fYlBAAiBIICaO RBGOVBry end RBIAVBaImBflfAGk O(1CRB?POGIIOLBW I'It?$, ' <br />ARRA Tetms apd Condiflons <br />olm?no