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CWIR Contract N0. M1S2173 <br />CWIBISaole Ana WorMome Investment Board <br />Exhibit E <br />Page 1 o12 <br />SUPPLEMENTAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR <br />CONTRACTS USING ARRA FUNDS <br />I. ARRAFUNDED 'PROJECT.Fundingfor iiconteclhasbeer Provided throughlheAm ¢riranRecov¢NandReloveslmeolAct <br />(ARM) of 2008, Pub L. III 6. RII coatraotors, including both prime and subcontractors, are subject to audit by approphsle <br />federal w Smoot California (State) entities, The Slate has the fight to cancel, larminale, or suspend the 0ooliact Many <br />cknacoiof sumantectm falls to comply wilh fire aporimg and operagonal moubstrents contaloed hemin <br />2. ENFORCEABILITY: COataNOTagmesthat If Contractct01one Of its subcoflu cfomfallstocomplywiiallappllcablefederal <br />and state requirements goveming the use of ARAfunds, Hire Slate may withhold or suspend, IPW oleofin part, funds <br />awarded usderthe program, or [scows[ misspent funds following an audit This provlslon is in addglon to all other remedies <br />available to the State under all app icade Slate and federal laws. <br />3, PROHIBITION ON USE OF ARRAFUNDS: CoRmcloragrees in accordance with RRRA,Sedion1D04,ihatnone of the funds <br />made available under this contract may be used for any casino or other gambling establuhmeot, aquarium, zoo, g01f course, or <br />swimming pools, <br />4. REQUIRED USE OF AMERICAN IRON ,STEEL AND OTHER MANUFACTURED GOODS: Coslreclo[agrees that is <br />acoordancewCm RRRR, 6¢ctlco 1W6, neiNe[ Contactor for has subcontractors will use ARRA funds for a proj¢ctlor the <br />coosl[uctioo, allaraboo, maNt¢oaoce, o[ repel[ of a public building or public work unless all of lhelron, steal and manufactured <br />gaols used in the project are produced in the United Stales or to s meoneroonalst¢otwllh United Steles ohlfgallosa under <br />lol¢roati0oal agreements, as futlhe[ degnad to Coda of Federal Regulations ?CFR)TVI¢ II, Patl 178, The Cootaclar unde[slands <br />WAOERRTEREQUIREMENTS:InacmrdaoaawllhARRR,6acllon1808,theCooVaclo[assuresthattandllssu6r¢clpi¢ots <br />shall fully camplywllh saidSeotlon and oclwllhsNOdlog any nine[ pmvl¢lonof lewaod la a manner cooslsteot ?Ih nine[ <br />provl¢IaosoIARRR, all labare[a asd mi employed by0onta0la[s and subaontractors on protects funded directly by of <br />easlsted to whole or to pad by and throughNa federal govaroment pwsuant IaARRA shall b¢ paid wages at rates 141 ess than <br />Ihoaa p[evaillog on prof ¢cta ols oharecte[slmller to the localby as dale[mined by thsUoltad Stales Secretary of tabu[ to <br />ecwtoao?wiN Subchapter IV of Chapter 31 of TIVa 40, Uolled Stales Cod¢ (Davie-Bacon Act). It h uoderslood that lh9 <br />Semateryof labor has the auNd?y and (uodloos set Ictlb In R¢o[gaolaa0on Plao Numbered 14 or19E0 (84 SI¢I.128T, 6 <br />U.S.C. Rpp.) end Section 5145 of ilfle40, UNled Stales Code, <br />S INSPECTION DF RECOROSas exo[dance wlN RRRA Sections 002, 1614 aod1E16, Coohaol0[sp[e¢a that ltahall pertnltlh¢ <br />Stale of Callfomla, the UoRed Steles Complmlle[ General orhls rep[esanfaflve o[Ihe appmpdate inspector G¢n¢ral appointed <br />under S¢ctlco 3 or BG o(Ih¢ Unl@d Stales lospeotor G¢oarel Rol of 1g70 0[ his rep[esaotadbe to, ?1) ¢aamine any records that <br />dlracgy p¢helo lo, and Inuoly¢ t[aosactloos[¢lal'mg lo, Ihlsroofact', and (2? lolemlew any oMceror employee of Contactor or <br />soy of Its suboooVedors regaNlrOlhe actlutl¢a Nodedwllh funds appmpriafed or olh¢rwis¢ made avallabla 6ylha ARRA, <br />Contrecto[ shall Include Ihis pronsico mall of the cootacto['s agreements with Its suhocsl[actam from whom the r?otractor <br />a?uires goods 0[semloas N Its ax¢bNlon of lira ARRRNndadwart7. WNISTLEBLOWERPROTECTION: ' <br />[hat Ihis [equlramect may only be waived fly Om appl'mahle federal agency to limited situations as zeroth N ARRA, Seolloo 1806 <br />old applicable federal regulations <br />Coot[actor agrees that both It sod Its su6cootractors shall complywtlh Sactfon 1653 of NaARRA,whloh pmhlbNs all non4ede[al <br />Ccotrecfors, locludlog the Stale, sod all mstrectorsof tfie Stela, from dlachargNg, dam011og orothernlse dlsodmioalhg against <br />an employee fordisol0sures 6ytha empNyeethat the employee reesaoehly believes a[¢ etdeoca oC (1J gross mismaoagemeof <br />of a contact reNVog fa ARRA(uods, ?l a gresawasta oIRRRR luods, j3) a substaotal aadsp¢cltc daoge[M public healfh or <br />safely ral¢led lotha Implemeotatlon or use of RRRAtund$(4) en abuse of eulhoNy related to implemeotaton or use oIARRA <br />foods; or (fi) a ulolellon of law, rule, ar regul¢Iloo related to an agency 0cotect (iooludiog thecompafitlon for or oegotlatloo of a <br />caotracl) awetoed 0[Isauad [staring toARRA Nods. Coolredo[ agrees that It sod Its subcootrectom shall pest online of the <br />[Ightsaodremadiasavallabletoemploy¢¢suederSectl0n1,?3ofmlaAVofOlviaiooAoflheRRRA <br />S. FALSECLRIMSACT:Conlrsaferag[aesNetbshellpromptlyootlfylheStafeeodshellrefarloeoapproptlalefaderellnspeclor <br />general any medlble evibeoce Net a prindpal, employee, eA¢st, subconfrectoror other pamon has r?mmltlad a false claim <br />wderth¢ false Clalme Rol or has rnmmtl¢d a orlmloal orONil violetloo of laws pertaining to fraud, noflldollolwesl, bribery, <br />greluty, or slmllsrmismoducl InvolvirORRRA4unds. <br />9. REPORTINGREOUIREMENTS:PursuaotlaSectioo1E12oftheARPR,loo[derforslateagenci¢srec¢ivlogARRRfuodslo <br />prepare Ih¢ [aquted reports, Contractor agrees to p[ovidelhe awarct'og sYete ag¢oeywllh the folloNog loformallon on a monthly <br />)gaad¢ry)bBato; <br />a, Tha total amount of ARRAfusds [ecslu¢d by Contractor during the Repodlog Petlod, <br />b, the amount ofARRA funds that we[¢ expended or ablfgatad during Iha Reporting Pedal, <br />ARRATamts and Conditions <br />g7ming