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p, CGp/??et <br />N•2011.041 <br />9ATEOF oROroRaw Dao?atl <br />STANDARD AGREEMENT Z4 <br />sTO,smlRrvoM ???6 ?p?f Dlsk esRem^?RUMRaR ftn1B21i8 <br />Condramfur'sCopy 011 RswsTRnnoaeumsaA <br />1. This agreement is an read in to hetweeo the State Agencg and the Canfraatv named below. <br />CA Workforce Investment Board <br />cormwcroasrwx[ <br />CltycfSanlaAnaWorkCenter <br />2, TBetermofthls <br />Rgreementls: Rprll1,2g11trough June30,2011,orupon floalapproval <br />3, The maximum amouni $5,00C.00 <br />of lhlsagreemantls: Five ThcusandDollars and No Cents <br />4, The padles agree to wmply with the terms and rondltlons of the following eshlhlls which are by th(s reference made a <br />pad of the AgreemenE <br />VAIDOEV SHAW <br />1 Page <br />BAhibIIA Scope ofWerk 1 page <br />Eahlglf6 Budgel0efailand PaymentPmvlsioos GTC610 <br />EahlhitC' General Terms and Condldons 9 page <br />Exhlbltp SpecialTerms End 0ondltlons <br />Eah1611B SupplemeotelTermsendCandifeosForConfracls0singARRRWAtls 2 Pages <br />ptPSST; <br />APPAOVAD AS TO FOAM MARIRD HUIlRR? <br />CLERK Of THE COUNCIL <br />LISR E. SiOECN <br />Items shown y???yf?? ????re6y incoMoratatl 6ytelarooce antlmadepedof fhisAgreameof as If afleoh¢tl he21o. <br />ihes¢ tlacumaolsoen 6s vlawede(rwru+.olsdga,aagou/Standard%20langoag¢IdeNaldhlm <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihls Agreement hee 6eeo eaecufed 6y the patlies hereto. <br />CONTRACTOR Calllomle Oepatlmeotol0eeerel <br />Services Use Ooly <br />CltyofSatRna rkCenter <br />av raaA?a ?? ei ? oRTSaiaRao i? <br />David N, Ream, Clty Manager <br />pooasss <br />2D Cluic Center Plaza, Saofs Ana, CA 92702 <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />AGENGf NAME <br />s CR Workforce Inuesfinent Board <br />eY @?m"? OPIE SIGNED I?r??Yw) <br />S' Ib' I Q Fxemp(perl <br />asinT o oTSaasoRSmRiRS DGSESempfiooLetterNo,S43 <br />Daniel Patterson, Staff Services Manager ll <br />AooRESs <br />77712thSVeel,Suife200,Sacremeofo,CASSBt4