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2. LABOR CODDWORKERS' COMPENSATION: Contractor needs to be aware of the <br />provisions which require every employer to be insured against liability for Worker's <br />Compensation or to undertake stlP.lnsurancein accordance with the provisions, and <br />Contractor affirms to comply With such provisions before commencing the performance <br />of the work of this Agreement. (Labor Code Section 3100) <br />3. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT Contractor assures the State that it <br />complies with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, which prohibits <br />discrimination or to basis of disability, as well as all applicable regulations and <br />guidelines issued pursuant to the ADA. (42U.S.C.12101 et sea ) <br />4. CONTRACTOR NANrGE; An amendment is required to change the <br />Contractor's name as listed on this Agreement. Upon receipt of legal dooumenfaton of <br />thename change lheSmtewill process tteamendment . PaymeNofinvoirzspreseukd <br />with anewname cannot bepaidprior to approval of said amendment <br />S. CORPORATE QUALIFICATIONS TO DO BUSMESS IN CALIFORNIA , <br />a. When agreements are to be performed in the stela by corporations, the contracting <br />agencies will be verifying Brat the contractor is currently qualified to do business in <br />b. "Doing business" is defined in R&TC Section 23101 as actvely engaging in any <br />hansaotion for the purpose of ftnanoial or pecuniary gain or profit. Although (here are <br />somesfatufory exceptions Io fanalion,rarely will a corporatecontractarperforming <br />withinthe slatenot besubjectto Ihefrenchisetax, <br />c. Bofhdomesfic and foreign corpamtions (fhoseincarporaled outsideef California) musC <br />fie N goad standing in order to be qualified fa do business in CafifomiaAgenGeswill <br />determine whether a corporation is in goad standing by calling Che Ofticeof the Secretary <br />of Stak6.RESOLUTION: A ceunty, city, distrieA or other local public body mustprovide the <br />SCafewithacopyoferesoluton,order,motion,orordinanceof[helocslgovemingbody <br />which by law has authority to enter into an agreemenh euf6ori7dng execution of the <br />agreement. <br />7. AIR OR WATER POLLUTION VIOLATION: Under Cho S(a(e laws, the Contactor <br />shall notbe: (1) invioladon ofany orderorresolution no! subject to reviewpromulga?d <br />by the State Air Resources Board or en air pollution control dishict; (2) subjeG Co cease <br />and desist order not subject W review issued pursuant m Section 13301 of the Wafer <br />Cotleforvielationofwastedischargerequirementsordischsrgeprohibitiops;or(3) <br />finally deterrrdned Co be in violation of provisicns of Federal law relating m air or water <br />pollution. <br />California in Order to ensure that all obligations due to fheszle are fulfilled. <br />g. PAYEE DATA RECORD FORM STD. 204: This farm must be compleCed by all <br />contractors lhaC are not another stela agency or other govemmenml entity,