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2010/11 - 2014 -15 CITY OF SANTA ANA CONSOLIDATED PLAN I 2011/12 <br />ACTION PLAN <br />with funding requests totaling $469,600. Grant applicants primarily sought funds to offset <br />the costs of shelter operations and essential services. To a lesser degree, homelessness <br />prevention funding was requested. <br />In January 2011 an ad hoc committee conducted interviews to rate and rank proposals. <br />Evaluation criteria took into consideration the following factors: <br />• Number of people being served <br />• Location of the service being provided <br />• Percentage of program budget represented by the request <br />• Prior funding history with the City of Santa Ana <br />■ Need for the service being proposed <br />The ad hoc committee funding recommendations were considered at the 2011 -2012 Annual <br />Plan public hearing. Subsequently, the City Council approved the allocation of all 2011 -2012 <br />Emergency Shelter Grant funds. <br />All ESG grant applicants are required to identify the source of match funds in their <br />application. Match funds must equal or exceed the amount of grant funds requested. <br />Grant applicants have identified other Federal, State, and /or local government funds, <br />private donations and fees for services as ESG matching funds. ESG subrecipients are <br />required to submit certified proof of the receipt of these funds with each payment request. <br />HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS <br />HOPWA funds for Program Year 2011 -2012 will be utilized to undertake eligible activities to <br />meet the needs of individuals living with HIV /AIDS that presently are not met by other <br />public and private resources. To identify program gaps, a countywide survey to assess the <br />needs for the region's HIV /AIDS population was conducted during the 2004 -2005 Program <br />Year. This survey was a community -based planning effort that incorporated the input of <br />interested community members including individuals living with HIV /AIDS, representatives <br />of HIV /AIDS service and housing organizations, housing developers, representatives of local <br />government agencies, advocates, and others. Relevant planning, housing, homelessness, <br />and epidemiological data were reviewed and incorporated into the planning effort. Critical <br />issues and service gaps were identified and an advisory committee developed <br />recommendations. These findings have been used by the Housing Committee of the <br />Orange County HIV Planning Council to develop a list of recommended activities for HOPWA <br />funding during FY 2011 -2012, as well as the expenditure of over $5.5 million in Ryan White <br />04/21/2011 37 2010 -2011 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN <br />Exhibit 1 <br />