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2010/11 - 2014 -15 CITY OF SANTA ANA CONSOLIDATED PLAN I 2011/12 <br />ACTION PLAN <br />information on clients served, program progress, and outcome measurements. City staff <br />also has an on -site monitoring program to review performance, quality of services, and <br />grant administration provided by subrecipients. In addition to ensuring CDBG- funded <br />activities are being carried out in an effective manner, monitoring is used to ensure the <br />timely expenditure of CDBG resources. <br />EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT: The same standards utilized for CDBG subrecipients are used to <br />monitor ESG agencies. <br />HOME: A HOME project- monitoring plan has been developed and implemented by the City. <br />In compliance with HOME regulations, this plan calls for an annual on -site visits to <br />subrecipients. During these visits staff will sample tenant files to review household income, <br />rent levels and lease information to ensure compliance with HOME regulations and <br />applicable affordability covenants. Staff will also review respective administrative <br />procedures to ensure compliance with the City's Affirmative Marketing and Minority <br />Outreach program. Finally, staff will continue to conduct periodic housing quality standards <br />inspections as required by HUD program regulations. <br />For ownership rehabilitation and assistance activities, the Plan calls for the City to continue <br />its existing underwriting procedures that are designed to ensure participant eligibility and <br />property standards compliance. The City will also continue its efforts to provide contract <br />opportunities for minority /women owned businesses. These efforts will be reported as part <br />of the comprehensive Consolidated Annual Performance Report submitted to HUD. <br />HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS: A comprehensive report of all activities funded <br />under the HOPWA program is prepared annually and submitted as part of the <br />comprehensive annual performance report to HUD. The City has established a formal <br />monitoring system for HOPWA - funded activities. <br />In addition to quarterly, annual and project close out reports, the City monitors all HUD - <br />funded programs with the assistance of the Finance Department to ensure all federal funds <br />are spent in a timely manner. Finally, HUD's Integrated Disbursement and Information <br />System (IDIS) allows the City to monitor line of credit balances and project status. Santa <br />Ana has taken extensive measures to safeguard public funds and ensure timely use of funds. <br />04/21/2011 39 2010 -2011 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN <br />Exhibit 1 <br />