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Environmental Consulting Services (200 East First American Way) City of Santa Ana <br />Our Program EIR addressed the environmental Impacts at a programmatic level for the land use entitlements, which <br />Included a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, development agreement, and annexation of the property to the City <br />of Bakersfield. Major environmental issues include agricultural land conversion, air quality, biological resources, cultural <br />resources, hydrology and water quality, land use and planning, noise, public services and utilities, transportation and <br />traffic, and cumulative impacts from ongoing growth in the region. <br />Rain Bird Residential Development-City of Glendora <br />Another mixed-use residential experience was the EIR we prepared for the Rain Bird Residential Development proposed <br />by William Lyons Homes in the City of Glendora. The project site was occupied by the Rain Bird Corporation <br />Headquarters, and was used for Rain Bird's corporate offices, as well as the company's product research and testing <br />facilities. The proposed project involved a Specific Plan for the subdivision and development of 27.6 acres for 53 single- <br />family detached residential units, 87 triplex-style condominium units, a 1 A-acre passive park, and a 4.7-acre linear open <br />space buffer area adjacent to a railroad right of way. The major environmental issues Involved In the project included <br />land use and planning, noise, traffic, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, public services and utilities, <br />aesthetics, geology and soils, hazardous materials, population and housing, recreation, and cumulative Impacts. <br />Traffic Subconsultant Project Experience (LLG) <br />MacArthur Place-City of Santa Ana <br />LLG provided an opportunities and constraints analysis, traffic master planning, and internal circulation design for a four <br />million square-feet urban village in a City redevelopment area. They prepared a Traffic Impact Study to address near- and <br />long-term traffic conditions that resulted in a comprehensive cumulative traffic mitigation program by project phase. LLG <br />also prepared signing, striping, traffic signal and traffic control plans for phased implementation, as well as provided <br />consultation and design support in conjunction with the development of specific parcels. <br />Hutton Centre-City of Santa <br />LLG provided traffic planning and internal circulation design, an EIR Traffic Study, and traffic signal and street <br />channelization plans for a two million square-feet mixed-use office development. Subsequent traffic studies focused on <br />the impacts of specific development components. <br />Maguire Orange Center-City of Orange <br />LLG prepared a Traffic Impact Analysis Report for the Maguire Orange Center Project, a proposed mixed-use <br />development consisting of 1,172,000 square-feet of office space, 27,038 square-feet of retail space, 14,900 square-feet of <br />restaurant space and a 42,685 square-feet 24-Hour Fitness Club facility, located in the City of Orange. The traffic study <br />evaluated the proposed project's potential near- and long-term traffic impacts at 60 key study intersections and 31 key <br />roadway segments, provided recommendations to Improve site access and internal circulation and evaluated the <br />proposed project's parking needs. LLG worked closely with City staff and the EIR consultant during the preparation of the <br />Traffic Impact Analysis Report and throughout the approval process. <br />Availability <br />The ICF team Is ready and available to take on this EIR project for the City. The following lists the time availability of the <br />key personnel on a percentage basis. <br />Renee Escarlo, Project Manager 50 60% <br />Chad Beckstrom; AICP, Project Director 20% <br />Jonathan Riker, JD, AICP, LEED AP, Environmental Counsel 1096 , <br />Lisa Randall, AestheticsNisuai Resources 2040 <br />Keith Cooper, AICP Air Quality/GHG Emissions 20% - <br />Tanya Jones, CEQ.A Documentation,'Land Use, Population and Housing 3046 <br />Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject <br />to the restriction on the title page of this proposal <br />Page 7 <br />25G-19