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Environmental Consulting Services (200 East First American Way) I City of Santa Ana <br />Mark Robinson, RPA, Cultural Resources 15% <br />Richard Starzak, Cultural Resources 15% <br />Robert Knutson, Biological Resources 10% <br />Alexa La Plante, Hydrology/Water Quality 15% <br />Gary Clendenin, PG, Geology & <br />Soils 15°rb° <br />. <br />Scott Broten, Hazards 15% <br />Mike Greene, INCE, Noise/Acoustics 20% <br />Coral Welton, GIS 10% <br />Kell Maberry, PE,.TransportatlonRraffic. (LLG) 30°k <br />PROJECT APPOACH AND CEQA WORK PLAN <br />Understanding of the City and the Anticipated Project <br />ICF understands the environmental issues relative to infill urban development in built-out cities such as Santa Ana. The <br />anticipated residential development located at 200 East First American Way Is located in one of the City's "District <br />Centers" known as MacArthur Place, 128 acres In the southeast portion of Santa Ana, near the juncture of the SR-55 and 1- <br />405. This area is also near employment centers around the John Wayne Airport, Irvine Business Complex, and South Coast <br />Metro. <br />The MacArthur Place District Center contains an existing office/hotel complex and a proposed major mixed-use project <br />which includes professional offices, supporting commercial, and mid and high-rise residential components. The <br />MacArthur Place District Center is designed as an intense, urban, and mixed-use center that supports the local <br />employment base. Within the MacArthur Place District Center, three key projects are proposed: Skyline consisting of two <br />high-rise residential towers; Montage at MacArthur Place, a condominium development at the southeast corner of Main <br />Street and MacArthur Boulevard; and Promenade Point, with multiple residential towers. Since January 2006, over one <br />thousand residential units have been built or approved within the MacArthur Place District Center. <br />The District Center (DC) General Plan land use designation is generally reserved for major activity areas or nodes within <br />the City designed with an urban character defined by eclectic skylines that include a mixture of high-rise office, <br />commercial, and residential land uses. The General Plan goals and policies support the creation of high intensity, mixed- <br />use experiences that support the mid- to high-rise residential development in the varied District Centers (Policy HE-2.2, <br />Policy 1.2). In accordance with the City's General Plan, Santa Ana Is developing new residential neighborhoods In District <br />Centers close to employment centers to protect and stabilize existing residential neighborhoods, support the City's <br />economic base, and provide housing for the local workforce. <br />The project site is located In a developed and built-up portion of the City, and as a result, natural resource issues are <br />limited. However, the key environmental Impacts associated with the proposed project are likely to be focused on urban <br />development issues such as noise, traffic, air quality and greenhouse gasses, land use, and public service and utility <br />capacities. Based on a review of the City's General Plan, the site lies just outside of the John Wayne Airport 60 dBA impact <br />zone, but is subject to height restrictions due to being within the AELUP Notification Area, and within the Obstruction <br />Imaginary Surfaces zone (Horizontal Surface 206'). We also recognize that the existing transportation and roadway <br />network in this area is constrained, and future intensification of development will require corresponding Improvements <br />to the circulation system If current levels of service are to be maintained. The City's General Plan acknowledges that the <br />addition or expansion of transportation facilities will have a corresponding impact on adjacent development over time, <br />Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject <br />to the restriction on the title page of this proposal. <br />Page 8 <br />25G-20