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w The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) awarded Santa Ana $2.8 million in <br />funding to be allocated over three-years for Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re- <br />Housing (HPRP.) These programs provides financial assistance and services to either <br />prevent individuals and families from becoming homeless (Homelessness Prevention) or <br />to help those vvhoare exper)encing homelessness tobe quickly re-housed and stabilized <br />(Rapid Re-housing). <br />The WORK Center received anadditional $68,419 from the State of California to <br />implement the California New Start — Prison-to-Employment program for parolees. The <br />CA New Start — Prison-to-Employment program is a collaborative project that utilizes the <br />resources and service delivery mechanisms ofthe California Department o[Corrections <br />and Rehabilitation (CDCR), Employment Development Department (EDD,), and the City <br />of Santa Ana WORK Center. The primary goal of the program is to improve the <br />vocational aptitude of offenders while in custody and increase the likelihood of their <br />secured employment upon release from prison. CA New Start is vital in reducing <br />prisoner recidivism, and improving parolee reintegration by providing jobs. <br />� The City has applied for and received more than $l7 rnU|kzn through the federal <br />Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), which is intended to help states, local <br />governments and consortiums. to purchase, rehabilitate and resell foreclosed residential <br />properties. These activities will heip reduce the negative social and economic impact of <br />residential foreclosures, by restoring p�nopedv values and bringing families back into <br />neighborhoods, local schools, and the 1oco| economy, both as employees and <br />customers. To date, the City's NSP activities have been among the mnost successfu\ in <br />the entire country, and Santa Ana has been recognized asa model others should foUov« <br />for Best Practices in Program Managenlent. The C\iv has exceeded all federal NSP <br />implementation standards, and has helped bring a total of 62 rental and owner <br />occupied units out of foreclosure. In addition, a 37-Unit new construction project is <br />being developed ona foreclosed vacant lot. <br />In keeping with our commitment to long-term planning, we will continue to dedicate our time, <br />energy and resoonces toward providing quality service to enhance the safety, livability and <br />prosperity of our community. In spite of the fiscal challenges the City is facing, the FY 2011- <br />2012 budget confirms our commitment to this purpose and incorporates the important <br />programs and projects you have requested in response to the community and its needs' On <br />behalf Of Our talented and dedicated workforce, I am proud to present the budget for the 2011- <br />2Ol2 Fiscal Year. <br />David N. Reamn <br />City Manager <br />lS <br />