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giant anteaters., rheas, and guanacos |k/e in the grasslands, their natural habitats. <br />Knowlwood, the new zoo concessionaire, is getting positive praise from zoo visitors. <br />Ensure Long Term Financial St <br />To ensure Santa Ana's long term financial stability, staff will continue to irnp\ernerd a plan to <br />address the General Fund deficit using a combination of expenditure controls while we <br />continue to work towards improving the City's revenue base. <br />� <br />Organizational changes have been implemented to improve efficiency and shift <br />emphasis to core functions. As an example, the mobile field book|ngvan, mobile field <br />booking services and transport services by Correctional Officers will provide support for <br />Patrol, Investigations, and Traffic by relieving police officers of booking, transport, and <br />hospital guard duties thus increasing the manpower available for direct enforcement. <br />w To enhance revenue, the Jail bed capacity was increased from 480 to 532. As a result, <br />]o1l housing revenues have been increased to the point that the Jail operation is almost <br />fuUyfundedth rough contracts' <br />w Budget reductions to Parks, Recreation and Community Services were done in such a <br />way to prevent having to dose down any centers, libraries, or the zoo and to make sure <br />that the ability to maintain the parks green and clean was not compromised. The <br />consolidation of Parks and Recreation with Library Services hes been effective in <br />developing a more comprehensive plan that has enabled the use of staff more <br />efficiently. <br />w <br />Park Maintenance Inspection provides improved contract administration and inspection <br />to enhance the effectiveness of park landscape maintenance contracts on all park sites, <br />at the Santa Ana Zoo and along the C|t/s bike trails. By providing an efficient sVstenm, <br />PRCSA is able to provide the best level of service at lowest cost. We have already seen a <br />� <br />Facilities, Fleet Management, and Central Stores (FMCS) through new leadership, will <br />broaden its approach towards technology and renewable and sustainable energy. FMCS <br />will aggressively pursue the transition of the three /3\ business units towards renewable, <br />stainable alternative energy and fuels. FMCS will actively pursue a zero waste operation, <br />which will reduce the City's carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions by exploring <br />and expanding the use of alternative energy such as compressed natUral gas, hydrogen, <br />propane, ethanol, Nod|eseL electric as well as hybrid vehicles. Furthermore, FMCS will <br />pursue Leadership Environmental Energy Design (LEED) certification for the Corporate <br />Yard, including solar power and "Green- Purchasing Policy in the City Central Stores <br />operation. <br />-l2 <br />