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w*,on <br />winn|x. nJido <br />MAYOR PRO lcm <br />Claudia c.Alvarez <br />coJwc|Lmowucms <br />p. David nonavue, <br />ca,|m`eustamnote <br />Michele wmmnez <br />Vincent F. s:onienm <br />Sal Tinajero <br />May 16, 2011 <br />' <br />Honorable Mayor and City Council Members: <br />/ <br />F �� Cj1 1_ SA N TA A <br />cnYNiAwxGcn <br />David w.Ream <br />cnYxnonwsy <br />Joseph W. Heic|,c, <br />cI-enxofTHE Couwo/ <br />Maria D. Huizar <br />We are pleased to present the budget for the City of Santa Ana for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Yea: <br />This budget reflects established priorities and maintains core services to the extent possible, <br />while responding to the impacts of the current economic climate on the City's financial <br />position. As you know, our global, national, state and local econorn|es are experiencing <br />challenges that have not been seen since the Great Depression. In times such as these, cities <br />such as Santa Ana are being forced to go back to the basics, and place the highest priority on <br />those programs most effective in achieving our mission: ""To provide quality service to enhance <br />the safety, livability and prosperity of our community." <br />Even during difficult economic times, the City continues to pursue 12 citywide goals that are <br />essential for achieving our mission. They are: <br />� <br />Ensure asafe community; <br />a Bea catalyst for the positive development of young people; <br />0 Foster neighborhood pride and community understanding; <br />0 Provide and maintain first-rate infrastructure and community facilities; <br />m Ensure an attractive and,vve|['rna|nta|ned city; <br />a Create an environment that stimulates the growth of arts and cultural opportunities; <br />w Recruit and retain a highly skilled and diverse workforce; <br />m Ensure the City 's long-term financial ability to deliver quality services; <br />0 Attract and retain a prosperous business community; <br />w <br />Optimize workforce effectiveness through training, techno\ogy, equipment and <br />facilities; <br />0 Develop and continuously improve systems to aSsure high-quality services to <br />customers; and <br />0 Assumne a leadership role in regional issuesofprimary importance to Santa Ana. <br />In the fall of 20081 the City Counci| reaffirmed these goals, and established four focused <br />priorities. They are to: <br />w Enhance public safety, <br />0 Improve transportation infrastructure; <br />20 c|mc cswmcn PLAZA 0 P.O. mox 1988 »xN/x AN A, CAL FOR wm 92702 TELepnowc (714) ao,'uyon <br />FAX (714) 647-695it <br />